A Parental Guide to Growth Spurts in Babies

Babies tend to grow up quite fast. Therefore, if your little one grows out of her new romper soon, do not be surprised.

Further, this can even happen in time of less than a week. Growth spurts in babies usually occur for the first year after they are born. There are times when parents may experience a sudden growth in their baby in just a day.

If your baby boy or girl is among those experiencing these, you need not worry. We have come up with a comprehensive guide regarding all your queries about growth spurts in babies.

Have a look:

What are Growth Spurts?

Growth spurts in babies are typically a rapid increase in the following:

  • Weight of the baby
  • Length of the baby
  • Circumference of the baby’s head

While this growth can be quite evident in some babies, you may not experience it at all in others.  However, you need not worry in case of the latter when the growth is not too noticeable. Just make it a priority to visit your kids’ pediatrician on a regular basis for checkups.

Once the doctor examines your baby, he will make a note of these growth spurts. And in case he feels that your little bundle of joy is not growing well, he will make suggestions for the same. Make sure to follow them to keep your baby healthy.

When do babies have them?

When it comes to growth spurts in babies, you cannot find fixed pattern. In fact, these growth patterns can be different in the case of children.

Therefore, if your baby girl has a different growth rate that the girl next door, there is no need for you to fret.

You just have to give your princess some time, and she is sure to cross this milestone of her growth smoothly.

And in case you do not see that happening, make sure to get in touch with your healthcare expert. He is sure to help your baby cope up with the same.

Further, here is a list of the general age points when growth spurts in babies tend to occur:

  • During the first few days after your baby is born
  • Around 7-10 days
  • Between 2-3 weeks
  • Between 4-6 weeks
  • At month 3 nor 4
  • Around month 6
  • At the end of month 9

Moreover, as per the reports, these growth spurts in babies do not stop just after the first year. You can experience these throughout the toddler months of your baby.

Further, these happen in the teenage years, as well.

What are some signs of growth spurts in Babies?

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Certain signs can help you know about growth spurts in babies. These are as follows:

Fussy Behavior

During growth spurts in babies, you are sure to see a difference in your baby’s behavior. There are chances that she may remain restless all the time. Also, some babies want their parents to carry them during this phase.

Also, this change in the mood of your baby may be due to sudden flow in energy that she needs for growth.

Further, she may be fussy about changing your clothes, as well. For this, you can get baby dresses for her that comes with buttons. You can simply slip your little one into this.

  • Long Naps

During growth spurts in babies, they tend to sleep for a considerably longer duration. They do so because this is the time when maximum growth can occur.

When your baby girl falls asleep, she will not require energy for any other activity. Thus, all her energy will be exclusively for her growth only.

Therefore, you need not worry if you experience a sudden change in your doll’s sleeping pattern. Once this growth spurt is over, your little doll will go back to her regular sleep cycle.

  • Excessive Feeding

Your little munchkins tend to feel very hungry during all their developmental milestones. These include crawling, rolling over, standing up and walking, etc. Similarly, this can happen during growth spurts in babies, as well.

Thus, if you breastfeed your little sunshine, she is sure to tend to nurse more than she usually does in the case of growth spurts. There are chances that you will have to feed her every hour. And this is proof that she may be undergoing growth spurts.

How long do growth spurts last?

Growth spurts in babies tend to last for two or three days. However, there are times when these can last for a week, as well. There is no fixed time for this. Thus, this time may vary in all kids.

What should you do during your babies’ growth spurts?

Thus, these growth spurts in babies are not something that you should panic over. Your baby will deal will them on her own.

However, there are things that you, as a parent, can do to make these more manageable for your little one. These include:

  • Make sure to feed your baby as soon as she feels hungry.
  • Also, keep yourself well hydrated. You can do this by taking plenty of fluids in your diet. Doing so will ensure that your baby receives proper nourishment. And this will help her go through this period smoothly.
  • Let your little one rest as much as she can.
  • Moreover, if your baby sleeps a lot, do not wake her up. Do it only when you have to feed her.
  • Further, we understand how expensive kids-wear can be. Therefore, getting loose newborn clothing is an excellent idea here. It will ensure that your baby can wear it at least for a few months.

Thus, all you have to do is follow your little munchkins lead. Also, you will have to take good care of yourself, without a doubt.

It is because, at the end of the day, your princess is going to derive all the nourishment she needs for her growth spurts from you. Thus, if you feel hungry or thirsty quite often, listen to your body.

Here is all you will have to keep in mind about growth spurts in babies. And when your little one goes through one, do not panic. Refer to our parental guide and help your baby deal with this developmental milestone in her life.

A Parental Guide to Growth Spurts in Babies was last modified: March 5th, 2020 by Baby Couture India
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