Five Things NOT to Do to Newborns

Who on earth would want to harm a little baby. Their sweet innocent face cant melt the cruelest of hearts. These delicate beings can befriend and charm everyone who comes in contact with them. However, to handle them is a task as well as an art. A practice that needs caution and care. Ignorant to their needs and demands sometimes our small harmless actions might prove to be harmful to them. And so more than knowing what to do with the babies, keeping a note of things that should never be done to them is of utmost importance.

Here’s the list of 5 things NOT to be done to newborn babies:

1. Shaking them:

Gently swaying your little one in your arms is very different from shaking them. While swaying is good, shaking is totally forbidden. It can cause Shaken Baby Syndrome. Sometimes shaking the baby may lead to internal bleeding which might prove fetal. So be careful with the delicate being.

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2. Exposing them to Smoke:

Do not smoke when around your baby nor let anyone else do the same. Exposure to smoke for the baby is far more dangerous than it is for adults. The immunity of the newborn is quite weak and exposure to smoke can lead to respiratory issues for him.

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3. Force Feeding:

Over-feeding little baby can be hazardous. Never make your baby finish the entire content of the bottle forcibly. If you care, you must not make them consume milk unwillingly at all times. A baby shows obvious signs when they feel full. Don’t ignore them.

4. Stuffing them crib with toys:

It may seem like a good way of keeping your baby amused but it is not an intelligent idea, especially, stuff toys. The dust that can accumulate on them can harm the baby or even the fibers of the toy. This can even lead to choking. So best would be to place one single piece so that the baby doesn’t feel alone in his crib.

5. Giving them water or other liquids to drink:

Water is essential to sustain life, but for a newborn baby, this theory turns a bit dizzy. Newborns do not require consuming water or any other liquid (apart from the milk feed) up to 6 months. Giving the baby water might interfere with his capacity to absorb nutrition from the breast feed, also curb his reduce his appetite. If you think the baby is thirsty just feed him.

Five Things NOT to Do to Newborns was last modified: April 20th, 2018 by Baby Couture India
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