Is Your Baby Teething? Look out for these 7 signs to know!

The starting of teething and it’s signs, they differ from one baby to another. Usually it starts when baby is around six months. Sore gums, excessive dribbling, flushed cheek, irritability are some typical symptoms of baby teething. Some babies while teething may develop a slight increase in temperature but one should not confuse it to fever. Well then how are we suppose to depict if the body temperature is fever or is because of baby teething. Yes! We’ll have to look for other baby teething symptoms. But do you know what are they? Well, let’s go down to find.

When does the process of teething starts?

Well, it is the first thing to know, when does teething begins? But then there’s no one who can tell the accurate time a baby begins teething. Majority of the babies will get their first teeth before they celebrate their first birthday. Also some exceptions are there who born with a teeth and another who are get them after a year. But most of them get’s it around 6 months.

Let’s now hop on to the symptoms one should look for, under are the seven prominent ones.

1. Biting more than usual

When your baby will feel his teeth coming, he’ll turn into a vampire. He’ll only bite and bite. Be it anything, his rubber toy or a plastic cup, he’ll bite that all up. He will not even leave your breasts. So while breast feeding there are more chances of you to get to know about the teething. As soon as you know get you kid few teething toys, there are many in the market.

2. Excessive Drool

Newborn babies drool a ton as they are in the learning process to swallow their saliva. At the time of teething you’ll notice the salivation increased as the body secrets more saliva to lubricate the gums of easy teeth birth. The saliva bubbles the gum and makes it smooth.

3. Fussier

These symptoms and the teething pain doesn’t let the baby sleep peacefully at night. So once the baby use to sleep will now wake up in the middle of the night to cry out of pain, giving you another. At night with fewer distractions and complete silence, the baby feel more pain.

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4. Changed sleep pattern

Teething discomfort will usually end up changing and disturbing their sleep patterns which was going really well before. They will not sleep much at night and also will wake up early in the morning.

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5. Fever, cough, diarrhea and rashes

Though doctors disagree but many moms detect a slight fever in the babies at the time of teething. Adding to it, the extra drool can cause rashes, also he could be coughing. Some babies even develop diarrhea and diaper rash.

6. Deceased appetite

When in pain babies avoid to eat as the food triggers their sore spots. But a piece of advice for all the moms, keep trying to feed them as much as you can despite the resistance. If the diet decreases dramatically, call for a doctor.

7. Pulling ears and rubbing of chin and cheeks

If your baby is pulling his cheeks and chin or anywhere around her jaw, he’s teething. They this way are providing enough massage to create counter pressure to ease their pain.

So here we are, done with the seven prominent baby teething symptoms which instantly will let you now why exactly your baby is crying and being fussy. Soon enough her little pearl will be up the surface, wait and care till the time. Good luck!

Is Your Baby Teething? Look out for these 7 signs to know! was last modified: July 18th, 2018 by Baby Couture India
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Is Your Baby Teething? Look out for these 7 signs to know!
Is you baby six months old and is he baby being really fussy these days, crying a lot and having a disturbed sleep cycle. Well, before going to any doctor look yourself for the baby teething symptoms, you might end up knowing why!
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