Teaching Life skills to Kids during COVID-19

With the extension of COVID-19, the concept of homeschooling started as a measure to educate kids at home under the supervision of their parents.

When the kids have already adapted to the schedule of playing and watching videos, the introduction of this homeschooling surely came up with the change in mindset and requires a lot of time management.

However, homeschooling came up with a lot of expectations from parents, they have clearly understood that teaching their little munchkin can be quiet a task. Also, educating kids at home is a whole different project without proper training and adequate materials available with the parents.

The change has been difficult in adaption for many reasons, however, the most common being the lack of self-regulation among kids.

And during this COVID-19 lockdown, when parents are working from home, managing kids with homeschooling is an add-on task that needs to be balanced properly.

However, learning shall never stop. If you have finally realized that homeschooling is not fun at all, try these surprising ways to keep your kids engaged while you teach them lessons for lifetime.

1. Expanding the notion of learning

Being parents we have always found ourselves worrying about our kids’ schoolwork. Now that we have got enough time with our kids, we can organize it in a way that is both educational and fun.

However, the need of homeschooling cannot be completely neglected, but actual life lessons are far beyond those written in the curriculum. Using this time for transformation and relaxing academic expectation can prove to be really beneficial.

You can start with teaching your kids with skills that you are good at, or at least the ones that are important in the current scenario.

2. Teaching the importance of Hygiene

Presently when COVID-19 has threatened every section of the society, one must teach kids the need to remain hygienic. From personal hygiene to cleaning home all comes under the lessons that can be included in your skill curriculum.

Ask your kids to help you in cleaning your home and the surfaces that are contacted regularly. Guide them the use of disinfectants for the same procedure.

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In addition to clean surroundings, clean self is equally important. Teach them to wash their hands before and after cleaning. Also, tell them to cover their face before sneezing or coughing.

3. Teaching what you are good at

You might not be an expert in Chemistry or Trigonometry, but you surely know and have seen life more than your kids. Your personal experience will be of great use for your kids.

When you have more time in hands with your kids and you staying locked, you can start with simple life lessons. You can start with gardening in the company of your kids.

Also, you can start with cooking lessons making simple yet mouth watering dishes. However, teaching kids comes with a lot of responsibilities, you need to be very patient and pay attention to every detail.

Sewing for instance, that you would have never thought of teaching your kids during the quarantine, can be a great experience. Moreover, you can include common skills like laundry folding, dish washing, and teaching them to making their beds.

4. Following what they love

When your kids are not interested in learning what you are doing, do not feel disappointed. It is believed that when a person pursues what he loves, he is likely to thrive.

For example, if your kids love to play video games, know that they are not completely wasting their time. They are surely learning to pay attention, think flexible, and develop strategies for problem solving.

Play with them, have family time and know about what they think.

5. Have Open Conversations

When your kids are not playing with their friends anymore, you can act as their friends. Play with them and you can even start open conversations with them.

Talk to them about their likes and dislikes. You might differ in opinions, but do not stress out and try to understand. This way you will be able to connect to them better, and guide them in the most positive manner.

This lockdown has surely influenced lifestyles of many, but you as a parent can help them groom while your kids are staying at home.

Teaching Life skills to Kids during COVID-19 was last modified: May 7th, 2020 by Baby Couture India
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