Tips For Having A Pleasant Beach Day With Your BABY

Having a perfect beach day with your baby who has just learned how to crawl or walk is a pretty magical experience. Taking your newborns to the beach is relaxing but at the same time, it is full of challenges. Since you are a newbie in this parenting business, you automatically become an anxious parent whenever you take your child outside your home. So to keep your worries to the minimum side and to make your stay at the beach memorable and relaxing, these are some tips that will help you at the beach with your toddler.


When we travel, we carry our child all the time, but we are also among those crazy parents who are struggling to push their strollers in the sandy beach. Strollers are the best way to carry your child with ease, and you can also carry a lot of luggage and snacks in it. So make sure that you take a stroller to the beach which is easy to push around in the sand and provide comfort to your baby.

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Dig a Shallow Pit

It may sound weird, but you can dig a circular "pit" to make instant playpen for your baby. It will buy you some time to set your equipment. It is only for to restrict the movement of your curious child.

Don't forget sunscreens

For a baby who is older than six months, go heavy on the sunscreen. Make sure the sunscreen you buy is safe for baby. You need to apply the screen fifteen minutes before and if you are planning to take the baby into the water don't forget to apply it again. If you baby is younger than six months just keep the baby out of the sun.

Bring some toys

To keep your baby away from the sand is to keep him busy with the toys. Baby tries to put things into his mouth, so to avoid him from eating sand you can keep him busy with the toys. Bring some beach toys to make the sand structures with your baby.

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Go to beach at off hours

It is wiser to go to beach at off hours when you are going with your newborns. That way you will avoid the crowd. If you get to the beach before 10 am and after 2 pm you'll be skipping the days most powerful rays. And in bonus, you may have the beach to your self.

Dress Bright

If your baby is hyperactive and does not sit in one place, make sure you dress your child bright colors. So whenever your child scrambles up out of your line of vision it will be easier for you to spot him. Neon color is your best options in such situations as they have the highest sensitivity to the human eye.

Pack snacks

If the baby is old enough to drink from the bottle, place supplies in cooler. To avoid dehydration give your baby, water and juice at regular interval. Giving your baby food item at a regular interval will avoid him to eat sand. Also, pack some snacks and water for yourself too.

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Protect your camera

This one is self-explanatory. But at the beach, you can ruin your camera from sand and water. People usually forget to attend their equipment. So to make your day memorable with your baby it is suggested that you take photos first and keep away the camera. That way you will get good pictures of the baby before he ends up being himself at the beach.

These are some of the best tips that you must follow in order to enjoy pleasant day out at the beach with your baby. Also, you can buy some kids swimming costume to turn your beach day into more fun. Happy Summers!

Tips For Having A Pleasant Beach Day With Your BABY was last modified: June 24th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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