Necessary Food and Diet Plan for Baby

Parents should introduce their baby to solid food when they are about 6 months old. Before this, mothers should only be breastfeeding their little ones as it will help them develop healthy immune system. It will also protect them from infection; the longer you continue breastfeeding the longer they will be protected. Simple Baby Food Tips can help you to feed your baby properly.

Tips on what to feed your growing baby

0-6 months - It is not advised to feed your baby any solid food before 6 months. If you feel that your baby needs solid food it is best to consult with your doctor. The reason for this is that babies might be allergic to certain types of foods or might catch ill.

6 months - The first food that you can give to your baby should be light and full of nutritional values. Mashed fruits and vegetables are the most ideal foods at this point. The vegetables should be cooked softly and served cool. Baby cereal or rice mixed with the usual baby’ milk is also recommended. Ensure that you continue feeding your baby with breast milk.

You can slowly introduce your baby to meats such as chicken or fish at this point. But be sure to check carefully that all bones have been removed. Chicken and fish are light meats and can easily be digested by a baby. Softly cooked foods like noodles, pasta and rice, evenly mashed boiled eggs can be fed to your baby. Refrain from giving your baby cow’s milk for at-least one year. But feel free to add it for cooking foods like custard, meats etc. Do not add any extra sugar to any food item.

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8-9 months - Your baby is now old enough to start eating 3 meals per day and it should be a mix of mashed or finely chopped food or finger-food that is soft. The meals should comprise of foods that offer a balance of both vegetables and fruits. Pasta, rice, potatoes, breads, banana, peach, melon or any other starchy food can be served to your baby. Give you baby food with high protein value other than milk or dairy-products such as fish, meat, eggs and beans.

12 months - By now your baby should be eating three meals per day either mashed or chopped, apart from the mother’s milk or whole milk and other healthy foods like vegetable-sticks, fruits, rice-cakes and toast.

Your baby is now also old enough to start drinking cow’s whole milk and other dairy products because it is a great source of vitamins and extra fat required for their growth.

Here is a balanced food diet chart for your baby at this age:
3-4 servings of starchy foods like potatoes, bread and rice
3-4 servings of vegetables and fruits
2 servings of eggs, meat, fish or pulses

Please do consult with your doctor before you start feeding your baby solid foods as it is always advised to take medical advice.

Necessary Food and Diet Plan for Baby was last modified: September 18th, 2014 by Baby Couture India
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