Tips for Dealing with an Overall Talkative Child

Being able to join words and forming simple sentences to having a complete conversation, your children eventually grow and have enough communication skills to describe what is happening in their lives.

They might get into an argument with you when you are choosing kids’ clothes for him, or he even might reveal certain indescribable events that you want to hide from all. They eventually start to take part in real conversations and express their imaginations in words.

It is not always the case that your child will talk illogical. And, this is the exact age when he develops intuitive behavior and asks you some questions that you would love to answer.

They do not know where to end the conversation and how to respect someone’s privacy.

Here, the need for counseling and timely guidance is felt. Parents play a vital role in teaching kids when to speak and what to avoid while having a conversation with elders.

  • Handling a Hyper-talkative Child

Your tiny talker might wear you out with lengthy conversations. You need to give a direction to his thoughts and drive him towards useful information.

When you are continually getting complaints regarding the talkative nature of your child, you will have to take measures to improve his habit and teach him the advantages of talking less.

  • Give them Enough Chance to Talk

Set time for your child in which he can express all he wants to. Do not stop him or interfere with his sayings. He might want to express his deepest fears. His day in the school was an eventful one, and so, he would narrate everything that happened.

You can even ask for their opinions when you buy kids dress. Their ideas can give you a hint about the thinking of your child. Let your kid know that it is perfectly fine to talk and express. Then only he will be able to make wise decisions in years to come.

  • Make Sure Their Need of Love is met

Children usually talk more because they think that this is the only way to gain your attention. They sometimes create tantrums with their baby wear or there stationary so that you talk with them and show your affection.

Do not wait for them to express that they need you. You should spare some time daily for your child. This way, they will come to know that you love them. A small gesture from your end while improving their habit for good.

  • Habit of Listening

It is not only the talking part but also the practice of attentive listening should be taught in your child at this very age.

You can play a quiet game with him; that is, the one breaking the silence first loses the play.

This game will help him attain calmness, and he might be able to concentrate more on his studies.

  • Do not Set Labels

Hurting your child esteem by labeling him as a talkative one is never a good option. You should develop a habit in yourself to appreciate her for the ability to express herself freely. Stopping her from sharing is not a good idea otherwise.

You can guide your child later for the correct usage of words and suggest him accordingly to talk less and when required.

  • Set Appropriate Boundaries

You obviously know, your child will not feel shy in expressing and sharing whatever he knows and hears. It lays your responsibility to set reasonable boundaries for him.

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You need to teach him that there are things and information that are meant to be private. Also, there are places where talking should be avoided, like libraries in schools.

You can also set some code words and signals to guide your child when she is trying to pick up some wrong topic. She would accept the expression and obey you for sure.

However, raising a talkative child has its advantages and disadvantages. Have a look at it:


The pros of having a talkative child are many. We have listed a few of them below:

  • A Great Company

Your child will be your first and one of the best companies that you can ever get. Rest assured, whether you are at your home or going anywhere else; you have an excellent company by your side at all times.

  • A Constant Source of Entertainment

Your days are never dull when you have your child around. His talkative nature will be beneficial for you to keep him engaged in conversations, and he can remain engaged for the entire day.

  • Communication skills

Talking too much cannot always be a disadvantage. If your child talks too much, you can be sure that he is not hiding anything and can share every small feeling with you. In this way, you can guide him accordingly and provide him a fruitful solution to his problems and worries.

  • Preparing them for Success

Your child is growing at a high pace, and he definitely will have a lot of questions coming up in his mind related to almost everything. Be it the environment he stays in, or the situations he has to deal with, you should be ready to answer his questions with the utmost attention. All your answers will help in shaping a good future for him.

  • Opinionated Personality Development

The most significant advantage of being a talkative child is that he learns how to voice his opinions. It is perfect. And by views, you can even ask your child how well you look in that dress. An honest answer is on your way.


A talkative child is undoubtedly not easy to handle at all times. It can be a real test for your patience.

  • Unlimited Random Thoughts

Having a productive conversation with a talkative child can be next to impossible. Your discussion gets dragged to an entirely different line without any link to the original topic.

  • It’s a One Person Show

In case you want to guide him over something, you can’t. It is generally a one person saying anything and everything all the time. You will have to wait for your chance to speak, which is not going to come.

  • Sparse Silence

With a talkative child around, you cannot expect a quiet moment at your place. They can bombard you with questions. It will not let you stay in silence, even for a while. It is only when your baby sleeps; you can experience some calm.

  • Poor Listening Ability

While being so stubborn, your child will not develop a habit of listening to your views. And this is not good. For being an efficient speaker, you need to be an attentive listener first. Speaking, speaking, and speaking all the time will not help her become a good listener.

  • Exhaustive Questions

Back to the back session of questions and answers is not always entertaining. You might answer a few, but the rapid-fire can be exhausting. Not still are their questions interesting; they can be weird as well.

The next time your child talk much, you can keep in mind these points to help him deal with his habit. The best thing you can do is to indulge in talks with him and spare some time for shopping for kids’ clothes. Every small step from your side will help in shaping better future for your little star.

Tips for Dealing with an Overall Talkative Child was last modified: June 28th, 2019 by Baby Couture India
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