5 Struggles Every Working Mom Will Relate To

You might envy that woman in your office with neatly made hair, crisp clothes and a smile on her fresh face. To the new-bees she may certainly be a woman with no kids relishing her free days. But no matter how hard you try to shut that voice out, it will come back to say, “She has two kids”!

She is an exception that not many women match up to. For the rest of us, day with such neat looks will come when the kids don’t cry while getting ready, eat without spilling and leave the cosmetics alone! Parenthood is a bliss without having to look at the clock ticking to get you to the office. Working moms have to manage two worlds and in the process struggle a lot. We have compiled 5 struggles that every working mom will relate to.

P.S: The moms-to-be, its for a good laugh, you are up for a wonderful life ahead!


Being a mother to a tiny tot, you will have to kiss goodbye to the morning sleep. They will wake you up at 5 with their wet diaper rashes. Now that you are up, you can make the breakfast, a full nutritious meal. But your kids are off to daycare and will be eating there. So, no need to make breakfast, munch on a bowl of cereal or gulp jam sandwiches on the go. That’s what you do to get the extra time to make your hair look actually combed!

Getting Ready

Though you skipped breakfast for getting those extra minutes to make your hair, you never really achieve the goal! You skip your head bath to save yourself from those extra minutes of exposing before your kids. So dry shampoo it is, to support a bun yet again third day in a row. By now you might be a pro at the messy bun! Combing the nicely clean hair and tucking them is a thing you achieve not more than once a week! Talk of clothes, crushed by your darling kid’s playing and same goes for your lipstick, its broken. So you endure an other day by sporting jeans, sweatshirt, sneakers and bun!

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TV Time

Since the kids are early risers they glue their eyes to the idiot box as early as 6 am. Though you don’t want them to exceed their TV time, you still let it go on for those few extra minutes of sleep. You lie next to them on the bed pretending to monitor while in reality you are trying to grab extra sleep. Of-course that is totally fair, you stayed up late at night to finish that book you started reading and are now sleep deprived. You are bound squeeze “me time” in the night hours only when the kids are sleep, understandable!

Dress Down Friday

Most offices allow you to have dress down Friday in return of the pain you endure all week long in formals. But with kids around in the early morning hours, you tend to give up on the idea of actually looking like a civilized working adult! Wearing same jeans on repeat, a decent looking tee or sweatshirt, loafers to drag you to the office is more practical. Also the well rehearsed messy buns have got you out of the dilemma of washing or no washing! So you have accepted the ‘Dress Down Friday’ as your everyday mantra!

Also read : Be a Smart Mum and Make Your Kid’s Clothes Last


No matter how ugly the word might sound, working moms have more or less become slave to it! We all do that, promising them treats in return of a few peaceful moments. Statements like, “You are allowed an extra hour of TV if you stop bugging me”, “A chocolate treat if you let mommy have a nap” are a common affair. You need a few moments to yourself, after the hectic day to brace yourself for some ‘cute’ baby shrieks!

You might relate to these is a secret way of your own. No need to disclose it but you can certainly have a moment of laughing looking at your laptop, lazying in your arm chair (if you get such a moment, though)! Have a hearty laugh, say “This is not me” and get back to doing these things! Ha Ha its a good laugh for all the patient women out there. Three cheers to you hip hip hurray, hip hip...yes sweetie 2+2=4, yes I am getting your milk, Give me a minute...!

5 Struggles Every Working Mom Will Relate To was last modified: November 30th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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