8 Tips to Keep Your Baby Skin Safe in Winters

Your baby's skin is very sensitive and needs extra care and attention. The gentle and fragile skin of your baby should be protected against the harsh outside environment to prevent it from rashes and allergies.

This changing season demands new parents to be very attentive to their baby needs. From choosing the right kids' wear and preventing the use of harsh chemicals on the skin to using all the healthy habits for skincare, the primary role for keeping the healthy baby lies with the parents.

Here are some of the tips that you should consider to protect your baby skin during winters:

1. Adequate Layering

Bundle up your little one in adequate clothes when it is cold outside. Other than protecting them from cold, these clothes will give them protection from harmful elements in the air. Babies are sensitive and catch infections easily, so layering them with clothes will prevent their skin from direct exposure.

In general, while layering, consider that your baby needs one extra layer than the adults. Remove the layers in case you find the rash on their skin due to overheating. You can treat the same with a dab of low-dosage hydrocortisone for a few days. Avoid the excessive usage of the same as it is a medication and not a lotion.

2. Using Humidifier

When your baby is asleep at night, you must use a humidifier in their room. The central heating in the room can be a cause of loss of moisture from the baby's skin. It can, in turn, lead to dryness and other related issues.

The use of a humidifier will help you to get the moisture back into the house and also in your baby's skin.

3. Moisturizing the Skin at Frequent Intervals

When it comes to taking care of your skin, you know that you need to moisturize it all year-round. And your baby's skin is not any exception. Winters come with cold wind, air, and central heating, almost extracting the moisture from your baby's skin.

Use a moisturizer on the baby's skin before adorning him baby clothes after taking a bath. When you observe the first signs of dehydrated skin, replace the moisturizer with ointments.

The ointments available in the market are sufficient enough to restore the natural moisture and have almost 80% of oil to add to the skin for protection. To avoid the greasiness of the oil, you should use the ointments when the skin is wet.

4. Night-time Bath

When your baby has remained in the cold for long time, take him for a warm nighttime bath. It is highly recommended for a bath each night before taking him to bed and maintain the same schedule for the entire season.

Also, you should carefully consider that the water used is lukewarm and not hot. Hot water can be harsh on your baby's skin and can even lead to burning. Moreover, subject your baby for a short-time bath, not more than five minutes for small babies.

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Also, consider that extended exposure to water, especially hot water, can also lead to taking away the moisture from the skin.

5. Protecting the Skin Against Elements

Protecting your baby from external elements goes hand in hand with layering your baby's soft skin to give him warmth. You should make sure that your baby is safe from the cold in all the possible ways.

Even when your baby is going to take small steps in the stroller, make sure that it is adequately covered. Hands, head, and feet of your baby should be adequately covered when you expose them to the cold outside.

6. Diaper and Nappies Issue

Diapers help in keeping the baby clean and tidy. But some diapers can cause irritation of the baby's skin and lead to rashes and other issues linked with infection.

It is advised to change the diaper immediately after the use. Try and change the brand to avoid diaper rash. Using a too-tight or too-loose diaper can also be trouble, take all the preventive measures possible to protect harm to the skin.

7. Issues Linked with Eczema

Eczema is a medical condition observed in the baby in their first few months. It might start with an itchy and irritable rash that is easily curable. As soon as you find early signs of eczema, start moisturizing the skin with the ointment twice daily.

Also, do not skip the regular usage of moisturizer after bath. Taking preventive measures at the very beginning will prevent it from getting worse. Use presence of mind and change your ways as soon as the symptoms reflect to avoid irritability in kids.

8. Experts Guidance

In the case of dryness, sensitiveness, irritability, or redness, you can use low doses of hydrocortisone cream on the impacted areas of the skin. It can be preventive measure right from the initial stages to avoid any severe aftereffects.

In case the symptoms do not improve within a couple of days, you can consult your trusted childcare doctor and the things cured on time. Your pediatrician will set a prescription that will finally get the things right.

Best skin is key to a happy baby. Buying baby clothes that are soft to the skin is one way, and taking precautions to keep the skin healthy is another. Take your baby for regular health checkups.

Use the abovementioned tips to ensure happy and safe winters for you baby. Keeping the skin hydrated is must in every season.

8 Tips to Keep Your Baby Skin Safe in Winters was last modified: October 15th, 2019 by Baby Couture India
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