Happy Moms Are The Best Moms

God created a woman and gave her the power and strength to bear a child in her womb for nine months and bring a brand new life into this world. Every girl looks forward to becoming a mom some day, so that she can share her knowledge and pass on her wisdom to her future self. Though, parenting (of which the major burden is on the mother’s shoulder) is not at all easy. There are days when a mother could not get any sleep because her baby would not stop crying at night or is not comfortable. But all that discomfort disappears when she sees that sparkling smile on her baby’s face.

Every bit of parenting must be enjoyed as these are those precious moments that you will cherish for lifetime. Whenever you have rough days or feel completely drained off, take some time off and give yourself a break because if you are not healthy and active, you will not be able to take care of your baby. Go out and spend some little alone time with you. Life as a mom would be more fun, if you adopt some of the following life saving mantras:

Sleep time:


Okay, so this is pretty basic as everyone needs those zzzz’s! But that is not really possible to get, if you are constantly getting up at midnight for 1am or 3am feeding or diaper changing. Just make sure, you sleep when your baby is asleep as that will give you enough time to get recharged. If that is not possible, try to take a day off and sleep for good 8 to 9 hours, and that will surely leave you refreshed and energetic.

Do not forget to take ‘You Time’:


This is an important one. Go out on a long drive, get a massage, go out for shopping or just a simple walk. Do anything that will take off your stress. After some time you will get to go back to your baby all happy and fresh.

Get, set and go:

get ready

Get off your bed in the morning and get ready for the day. You do not have to put make up on or dress up in 6 inch high heels but just get ready in comfortable clothes so that when your baby wakes up you can devote all your time to him.

Stop comparing yourself to other moms: This is something everyone does when they are down; like share their feeling on social media and look at happy pictures of other families. At that time, you will feel nothing else but sadness. Instead of doing that, just think about your happy moments with your family, that will definitely lighten up your mood.

Take your kids out:

take kids to park

Take your kids to the park in the morning or evening so that they can indulge in some outdoor games and you can also join them. Laugh with them and enjoy life.

Laugh as much as you can:


Kids brings happiness. Learn to laugh with your kids and you will feel relaxed and all your stress will go away. Also, spend enough time with your kids and keep them off the gadgets.

Always be Grateful:

talk to your child

Before dozing off at night, discuss about your day with your kids and encourage them to do the same. Not only this will help you to bond well with them but also you can discuss about all the positive things that happened all day and be grateful about it.

Talk to other moms: Share your views about parenting with other moms and get some tips from them too. Go out and shop for kids clothes with them or just go for a small walk. If someone is feeling low you should cheer them up as nothing is better than having that reassurance from family and friends, while you are going through tough times.

Try to adopt these special life saving mantras and you will definitely be able to enjoy parenting, while staying relaxed and happy. Just remember, your precious baby loves you and will always do. Just stay calm and do your best!

Happy Moms Are The Best Moms was last modified: February 22nd, 2016 by Baby Couture India