Tips On Parenting Twin Babies

Babies bring immense happiness to their parents when they are born and that happiness doubles if twins are born to them. Although the feeling is overwhelming but it is exhausting at the same time. It takes lot into caring for twins and to ensure that both of them get equal attention and care that both they need. Twins are very special so you need to be prepared for their proper care. BabyCouture offers you some tips on parenting twin babies. There are a few essential items required to jump start your parenting phase.

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  • Firstly, get the diapering essentials like; diaper and wipes in bulk so that you are prepared. It will also lower your monthly expense on diaper. In the initial days you will need 10 to 12 diaper changes per day per baby. So, it is important to stay prepared and keep diapers well stocked.
  • Secondly, when buying clothes for your twins you can either choose identical dresses or you can bring variety to your twin’s wardrobe. Pick clothes as per your choice just focus on the fabric and comfort of the clothes.
  • Thirdly, keep additional burp cloths because you have two babies to feed and make them burp.
  • Fourthly, if you intend to bottle feed you twins then get bottles in double quantity of what you will usually buy if you had a single baby.

Plan these simple daily requirements and you are good to enter a very special phase of your life.

It is very important to understand that though born together, your twins are separate personalities; so treating them the same most of the time might turn them off. This kind of resentment is common among toddlers and little older babies. Every individual likes to be unique and feel unique, when you are parenting two almost similar kids you have to realize that:

  • You have to avoid rhyming names. It will sound nice to you now but when they grow up they might not be nice to you.
  • Dressing your twins alike all the time is not fun. If you really want a couple of clothes to be similar to help them relate to each other then at least keep the colors different so that both dresses become a little unique from the other.
  • When you are talking to your babies focus on their individual names which will give them the security that their parents understand the difference between them; and love them for who they are individually.
  • It is best to avoid any comparisons; as it will have them indulging in unhealthy competition between each other.

Remember that they may not have the same overall development at the same time, have patience and let your little ones grow at their own sweet pace. One of them might start crawling while the other might not crawl at all because he or she might straight away start walking. The basic tips on parenting twin babies are to help them learn to care for each other rather than developing competition with each other. Care for both of them with unconditional love and affection and encourage each one’s interest with equal enthusiasm. Both twins should be loved equally without indulging in loving one of them more than the other. Maintain a balanced love for your twins to develop a happy family.

Tips On Parenting Twin Babies was last modified: April 4th, 2015 by Baby Couture India
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