How to Travel with a Baby?

Traveling with a baby might appear to be a herculean task or to some just a very frightful nightmare. But with some advance planning and preparation it just might turn out to be a very fun and enjoyable trip with lots of fond memories to take home.

Essential Travel Supplies

You will certainly have to stock up on the essential travel supplies. The most basic essentials of course would be a nice stock pile of baby food and milk for your journey. The general thumb rule for this is to make it a point to pack a little extra than you presume you will need. Ensure to pack finger food like chips, muffins etc. for your baby if he is old enough to eat them. This can be a great way to keep him occupied and distracted from the “boring” travel. You can also carry with you bottles of milk with ice for a period of 24 hours or as an alternative you can mix together some of the milk formula that you pre-made inside a bottle and add some cold or boiled water as and when required.

Bring Solid Food

Solid food is easy to carry and eat too and it can be packed in a nice cooler as-well. Fruits, such as a banana, are a great example; all you have to do is peel it and its ready to eat or if your baby is still small, just mash it and feed it to your baby. While traveling, its very necessary to follow baby care tips.

Bring Your Own Utensils

It is recommended to always bring your own bowl and feeding utensils when you travel with your baby. Because more often than not, you will find yourself in situations where these will be hard to come by and your baby will need to be fed. So do pack them with you when you travel. Also, to make your life a little less stressful, pack some use-and-throw bibs. They will cut down on your laundry too.

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Feeding Equipment

Many new parents usually are very conscious to sterilize all the baby’s feeding utensils and equipment, and when traveling this can be hard to manage. But these days there are products that can keep even the demanding parents satisfied. Products like the microwave sterilizer bags or a disposable bottle liner are great examples.

Baby Blankets

Some babies cope well with traveling if they have something familiar with them that will provide some reassurance like their beloved blanket. It also comes in handy to shield the baby from the light when they are taking a little nap in the stroller.

Baby Dress

As a last tip, I would suggest that you dress your baby in layers, because it helps your baby to adjust to the changing climate when traveling and also in case your baby spills some food, you can easily take off those particular clothes. Simply dress your baby in comfortable baby clothes.

Hope you have fun on your holiday!

How to Travel with a Baby? was last modified: September 2nd, 2014 by Baby Couture India
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