5 Care Tips For A Premature Baby

“A preemie parent is one who understands the importance and difference that a day, week or month can make.”

The baby is born before completion of 37 weeks of pregnancy that birth is considered as “preterm”. As a parent, we all know that how much care and concern we have regarding the health of the newborn and when he is premature than the care gets doubled.

A Premature baby needs more care and nurturing. From bathing to feeding or from trick to hold your baby to carrying him. Every activity needs more alertness and care. Therefore , as we have promised you that we will always help you in your journey of parenting. So, here comes some premature baby care tips which will give you an idea how to take care of your baby carefully.

Guarding against illness

The most troublesome problem in premature babies is the respiratory illness. Therefore, take care of your baby lot. You must have heard about SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Be aware of it and thoroughly follow the SID risk reduction guidelines and try to pursue them for a full year. Remember to put your baby to sleep on his back and don’t let him get overheated during sleep. Don’t put soft toys in your baby’s sleeping area.

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Leaving the hospital

Taking home a newborn from the hospital is pretty unnerving and when it comes to a preemie than it gets even more terrifying. So, control your breath and do ask your baby’s doctor if he has something to recommend you regarding baby. He will surely suggest you going to a doctor who is in your reach and has lots of experience in treating baby born prematurely.

Measuring milestones

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Full term babies are assessed based on their actual age whereas premature baby is evaluated on his adjusted age or what could be his age if he had been born on his due date. Immunizations must be given to the baby based on his chronological age.

Preterm Problems

As we know that preterm babies arrive in the world without completing 40 weeks of development process safely inside the mother womb, therefore complications will surely occur. It is not necessary that every preemie will face server problems, some are lucky enough to be comparatively healthy. But some battles many severe problems such as bleeding in the brain, jaundice, heart conditions and anemia. After facing all these complications the best part is 98% of babies born between weeks 32 to 35 survive!

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With so much of unpredictability, parents of premature baby miss the celebration of the arrival of newborn. Every baby is special and need to be loved. When it comes to preemies, well ! They are more miraculous . Capture every moment with your little soul. Take photographs at home and hospital, create cute scrapbook or journal to record the memories which you will cherish in future. And when your little baby is big enough to face the love and affection of other family members than share your happiness with friends and family.

Remember every baby needs care and affection. And preemies our bundle of joy, therefore enjoy every moment and every step of his development with joy and love. Hope these tips will help you in handling preemie. We will be back with more tips and tricks to make your parenting an enjoyable journey.

5 Care Tips For A Premature Baby was last modified: September 9th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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