Fifty Shades of Parenting... (PART 1)

“There’s no way to be a perfect mother [or father] and a million ways to be a good one.”

9721773_orig...So let your aim be not to perfect the art but to be good at it. And from among the million ways to make it happen, we bring to you some of the choicest, slightly cliched and over-used, yet tips that every new parent swears by-

Before birth:

iStock_62494056_wideNo you don’t learn everything on it’s own, ask for help from the one’s who have gone down the same lane.
- Practice before hand:
- Learning the diaper obviously.
- Learning to put on and remove a baby bodysuit.
- Deciding on a plan to find personal time with your partner.
- Make an action plan about getting back to work.
- Plan not too far ahead in future.
- Your baby’s name is no trivial matter, put in great thought into it.
- Read and research, consult the doctor and don’t keep any doubts remaining about breastfeeding.
- It is essential to understand baby clothing demand. Be extra careful to pick the softest fabrics.
- Be Labor Ready, have a bag packed with essentials for the mom as well as the child.

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When the newborn comes home:

FotorCreated- As celebratory the environment it may be, make sure you steal some peace for the little one to rest and acclimatize to the new world.
- Use cloth nappies for the first few day because the child is way too sensitive to anything and everything right now.
- Follow the nurse’s routine, as in the hospital for baby feed and sleep.
- For the first few weeks, until the newborn’s umblical cord stump heals, give only sponge baths.
- Babies will cry out for almost all the reasons you could think of, but reasoning out one would be difficult. So learn the common ways to soothe them like swaddling, massage, cuddling.
- Always swaddle your newborn to sleep, and when placing them on the bed/craddle/bassinet, make sure you don’t leave them unmonitored. Newborns may wake up anytime.
- Learn to give your baby a burp after his feeds.
- The baby bed must have firm matresses, also too much of cushioning must be avoided. Let your baby sleep sans a pillow.
- Put the baby on his back to sleep.
- Your child can remain hydrated without water, so don’t give a newborn water to drink. Breast milk is the sole food, until solid foods are introduced.

The crucial first year:

bvgdhvhcjd- Learning to sample testing the milk temperature and baby bath temperature, should become a part of your daily existence now for almost a year.
- Start introducing solid food to your baby 4 to 6 months after the birth. Be patient and not pushy.
- When introducing solid foods, keeping testing and checking for food allergies.
- When you leave the infant to play on his own, always place him resting on his tummy on the surface.
- The teething stage for little ones is a little painful. So learn to give them gum massage and provide spoon soothing at the time.

So these are a few initial tips to be the lovely goodie good parent. And, as you get comfortable with your life long role of a parent, strive to be better at it each day. We’ll be back with more wonderful tips for you with the second part of this post soon. So stay tuned 🙂

Fifty Shades of Parenting... (PART 1) was last modified: June 20th, 2016 by Baby Couture India