Brain Boosting Foods for Toddlers

Kids are those special gifts from God that need to be protected and nurtured. Every kid deserves the best and parents always make sure their little angels have everything they need. When they grow old and are about to join a school, they are expected to do well. In order for their brain to work and develop properly, correct nutrients are required. Parents must feed their children healthy food (well, everyone knows that) it is important they keep their young toddlers far away from all the junk food. Though it might be all tempting to your little kid but it is your responsibility to provide healthy food that not only builds up immunity and stamina but also provides enough nutrients to the brain to work properly.

Here is a list of all the food items that must be given to the kids in order to boost up their concentration level.


Vegetables play an important role in boosting brain. Green vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, Kale etc are all full of antioxidants. These vegetables help the growth of new brain cells and keep the brain young, healthy and strong.


Improve your kid’s brainpower with the help of tasty nuts like almonds, peanuts, walnuts etc. Zinc is also present in nuts that are good for memory enhancement and brain development.


Yummy berries like cherries, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries etc are all rich in vitamin C and they also boast high levels of antioxidants. These are also great source of Omega-3 fats that helps in brain development and proper functioning.

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Eggs are a rich source of proteins and egg yolk helps in memory development. This is a wonderful food that will help boosting up your child’s brain power. Include eggs in breakfast and see for yourself, the benefits of this amazing food.



Dairy foods are great source of vitamin B and Proteins. Your kid will definitely get benefits from the dairy products like Milk and yogurt. Dairy products are also rich in carbohydrates along with proteins, which is great energy source for the brain.


Oats are very much nutritious and are fully loaded with fiber. Eating oats in the morning provides enough energy to the brain to function properly as thy are good sources of zinc, potassium and also vitamins B and E.

Whole grains:

Whole grains supply glucose to the brain as our brain needs a constant supply of it. It is not difficult to find whole grain products these days. As they are a rich source of vitamin B, using whole grain breads for sandwiches, snacks, wraps etc helps the brain to function properly.

Fish: Fishes are rich source of Omega-3. Fatty fishes helps to increase the brain power and also improves the memory. Fishes like tuna or salmon must be consumed so as to keep brain healthier. Fish eating kids also perform better in skills test and generally have a sharp mind.

These are some of the best foods that will definitely boost up your toddler’s brain and will also increase his concentration power. Just include all the essential nutrients in your kid’s diet and watch him grow as a strong and intelligent human being.

Brain Boosting Foods for Toddlers was last modified: March 15th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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