Some Tips to Feed your Fussy Toddler

Being fussy, is like a child’s birthright. They will create a ruckus in seconds when things are done against their wishes. Make them sleep when they don’t to, or get them to talk to the guests when they are playing; and there you have created the perfect stage for them to create a scene. Another time, when toddlers often get fussy is when you try to feed them (unless it’s ice-creams or chocolates). So, mealtimes turn into difficult times for the caring mothers as they try their best to get some nutritious food under their growing children’s throats.

Read below some handy tips that might help in accomplishing this tough feat:

Have meals together:

Instead of preparing the child’s plate and feeding him/her separately or before yourself, try and have meals together. Set a routine and get all the family members on the dining table to eat together. This will encourage the child to become disciplined, and also seeing other members eating and relishing the food, the child will slowly and gradually take up to their actions and begin imitating, or better follow you.

Give Small Portions:

Don’t heap up the child’s plate with food. That is the first thing that puts most children off. It seems like a burdensome task to complete and not a way of filling their empty tummies. So serve your toddler small portions. If they begin to eat, you may add a little to their plate later. However, if they refuse to take more, don’t insist. It is better to have them eat less than nothing at all.

Display Some Variety:

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If the food looks boring, it is obvious the child will try to shy away from it. But you could impress them by the variety of food on the table. By which we do not mean that you have to make 4-5 dishes for each meal. But how about some colorful fresh salad, curd or raita, some pickle or homemade chutney served along the main dish. This will tempt the child to even have some of the mundane food, which they otherwise refuse to eat.

But Don’t Offer Alternative Options:

If your toddler refuses to eat certain veggie one day, it is okay to serve him something more suited to his taste once. But if it is the same routine, you just can’t give in to the demand as each food has its own unique nutritional value, and young kids should develop taste for every healthy food item. So, don’t always offer substitute foods. Hunger pangs will make the child eat whatever is available, even when they are not too fond of it.

Also Read: Baby food secrets: How to get babies to eat new foods

Don’t Sympathize If The Child Starts Crying:

If your child throws tantrums and out-rightly refuses to have their meal. Don’t run after them too much. Also, some children are smart enough to play the sympathy card in front of their soft hearted mothers. Don’t let those crocodile tears melt you. Remember that as mother it is your duty to feed the child with what is best, and if they don’t like the taste, that’s no reason to let them free. Let them cry and shout, but you remain patient and calm and pursue them to eat meals.

Finally, remember that is just a phase that shall pass. However, if you give in to the tantrums your kids are throwing now, you may regret it later. So handle them well. Use the above tips to feed your fussy little boy or girl, and instil in them healthy eating habits for a trouble-free future.

Some Tips to Feed your Fussy Toddler was last modified: March 18th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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