These 4 Cs are the KEY to Good Parenting

Countless parenting manuals, never-ending granny’s advice and hours of self-contemplation... A new parent has it all. Learning to be a good parent is a process that goes on 24*7 and it just never ceases to stop. And even after all that, has anyone ever perfected the art of parenting? Guess not, or well who really knows how to determine the same?

There are rules, there are parameters, however, they are not absolute. To each his own. Every man or woman who is bestowed with this divine responsibility of parenthood, devices his/her own parenting methods and these when soaked in the nectar of love eventually turn out be the best for the them and their baby. However, faltering in this long drawn process is a given. And it is to keep this to a minimum that adhering to tips and suggestions is good.

So if you too want your parenting experience to run smooth with least number of bumps, then you must know about the following 4 Cs which are a key to Good Parenting

These Cs are not concerning you it or your behavior towards your child. These Cs are about how you let your child be raised under your supervision.

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More than the choices you make for the kid, good parenting is about the choices you let your kid make for themselves. Now, the catch is giving choices has to be artful. You can’t give them choices that are bad for them. The idea is to present certain choices that will both be harmless but the choice that is better seems more attractive. For, instance if your child is not budging to come to the dining table and eat his food, give him the choice that he can either join you all at the table and enjoy the tasty pudding afterwards or sacrifice the pudding and continue watching those repetitive cartoons on T.V. Chances are he’ll go for the former ‘choice’. Everyday, in every thing possible try and find opportunities to give your child such choices, wherein he learns to choose the correct thing for himself.

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Next in the deal, comes the consequences of the choices your child makes. Continuing with the above example, the underlying consequence was that of sacrificing the pudding. Also, the consequence of opting for the wrong choice can further be made clear by putting in word of how skipping the meal would lead to hunger pangs at night and thus troubled sleep. Apart from pointing out the negative consequences, also highlight the positive reactions and rewards for their good decisions. For example, in addition to enjoying their favorite pudding, having the meal on time could also reward them with an extra bedtime story. Remember, don’t make these rewards seem like bribes but genuine results of being good children.


To carry out the responsibility of a good parent, one crucial thing is consistency. You got to be consistent. Children can read through your hollow warnings. They can meticulously work towards melting you and making you give in. And when you do, half the battle is lost. Be consistent on what you say. If you’ve warned them of taking an action against their mischief, then do take it. If you spoke of getting back to discussing it the other day, don’t let it pass by. For you may think that child would forget, but No, he won’t. Trust us, kids have better memories than us, and they notice such leniency on their parent’s part and take advantage. Be cautious, be consistent.

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Probably, this is not needed. But of course, taking about parenting without the mention of ‘care’ is like pizza without cheese :p Nothing will work well if you don’t show love and care to the kid. It is of utmost importance that while guiding your child to the right right in life, you don’t go overboard by becoming strict disciplinarian who forgets to display the caring side of yours. Also, children learn a lot from their parent’s conduct and so, if you scream and shout, they will do the same. If you demean or curse others, they will take that up to. So show them the world of care and compassion, and you will raise compassionate young souls.

These 4 Cs are the KEY to Good Parenting was last modified: June 9th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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