Child’s Happy And Healthy Teeth - 6 Tips To Consider

One question that every parent must consider is Dental care of their child. It’s never too late or too early to start with your little baby’s teeth care. As your baby grow , he notices some changes in his mouth, from no teeth to baby teeth, and from baby teeth to permanent teeth. The transitions make them excited and this is the right time when you should tell your child regarding dental care. He will understand it and will create it a habit to make his teeth happy.

It’s very important to introduce dentistry into your family dictionary as early as possible. The more comfortable your baby will be with dental care routine, the more he will be able to maintain a healthy and strong teeth throughout his life. Let us show you how you can make your child’s teeth healthy and happy. Here we go:

Plan a dental checkup

As per dentist you should schedule your little one’s first dental visit within 6 months after appearance of your baby’s first tooth. Parents should always try that the first visit of their baby should be happy one, otherwise they will get scared and will say NO to visit dentist. For parents first visit is very important, as they can get several ideas on how to take good care of their baby’s teeth from dentist.

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Plan a dental care routine

Planning a proper routine is very important to maintain healthy teeth. With the appearance of your infant’s teeth, you can begin brushing them twice a day like, morning and before going to bed. When teeth start’s touch each other, than you must understand that it’s a perfect time to use floss. Try to avoid offering your little one’s drinks or sweets before bed.

Avoid juice and sugary beverages

Drinking juice throughout the day can lead to tooth decay. Therefore, make your baby understand not to drink more than 4 ounces of juice each day. Juice is best as a treat but do not make your baby drink milk or juice during nap with a bottle. Both milk and juice contains some percent of sugar which may invite bacteria to their tooth and can cause tooth decay.

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By age of 2 or 3, remove the pacifier

Yes, we know that pacifier offers various benefits for baby at the young age but later on it can affect the teeth alignment and proper growth of the mouth. After the age of 2 years, if any problem occurs due to the use of pacifier than it can not be corrected easily. Therefore, it’s better to eliminate the use of pacifiers after the age of 2 or 3 years.

Avoid medication with flavors and sweeteners

Children medication mostly includes flavored sweeteners, which may cause cavity, if your child is using it on daily basis. Medication for children in case of chronic conditions like, heart problems or asthma, may have higher rate of teeth decay. Therefore, before starting the dental care routine ask your dentist how often your child should brush a day, if he is taking medication for a longer period of time.

Motivate your child regarding Brushing & Flossing

Make brushing fun! You can motivate your child with some funny stickers, fun activities or give them a gold stars on chart after a week when they do brushing daily. Make them choose their own brush so that they will get excited when it comes to using that brush.

So, here we have discussed some tips which will help you to maintain healthy and happy teeth of your baby. Try to complete the process of brushing and flossing before you child get tired. Because than they won’t like to cooperate. So, plan everything before you schedule dental care process for your baby. We will be back with more such tricks and tips, till than be happy and enjoy parenting.


Child’s Happy And Healthy Teeth - 6 Tips To Consider was last modified: September 22nd, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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