Decoding Playful Parenting Through Winter Break

Chilly winds are knocking at your door, snuggling inside a warm blanket with a mug of hot chocolate is all we can think of. But the news of winter break at your kid’s school is enough to burst this dreamy bubble! We know you love your kids a lot but the mere thought of kids tumbling down the house to cure their ‘boredom’ is earth shattering. This is the reason why parents of school goers often dread this winter break and overlook the possibility of enjoying it. But gone are those days when you had to be on your toes throughout the 15 day period. Let’s decode your guide to parenting (and survival) for the upcoming blissful days with your little ones!

Have Fun

Instead of thinking about the tactics to keep your kids busy, focus on how you can have fun with them. You don’t have to look forward to the ending of this period rather you can live every bit of it with smile on your face. Be a part of things they indulge in and you have no idea where your bonding will reach!

Stick to Routine

Though holidays are to have fun and go off track but doing certain things as per regular routine will get you some balance. For example, make it a point that your kids go to sleep at usual time or eat at least one healthy meal per day. These things will keep your sanity intact!

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Go Easy

Planning activities in advance is a great step but you don’t have to accomplish all that is on the list. After all, it's a holiday plan and not your daily appointment diary, so chill. Instead of running insanely to fit in all the activities you planned for the day, enjoy one activity to its maximum and move on to the next when the kid is actually bored. It will make these days less taxing for you!

Use Community Resources

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When your kids are bored of their games and want something new, take them on stroll around your city. A visit to a museum or local library is great to pass time and simultaneously a learning experience as well. It's a win-win situation for you, what more could a mother ask for?

Local Events

Keep an eye on your newspaper’s local event section. Most newspapers have a column about what’s going on in the city. Select from it the events of your interest and have a gala time with your kids at it. You could head to the painting workshop with your kids to learn or the new fate set up for festive shopping. This little outing will keep their boredom at bay for several hours!

Thrive on Craft Ideas

When the cold strikes beyond your capacity to bear it is best to avoid outdoors. But kids get bored easily indoors and the best way to deal with it is craft. Stock up on supplies and ideas, you just cannot run out of creative craft ideas for your kids if you want to survive the winter break without losing your mind!

Also Read: Winter Care of Infants – 7 Tips

Plan a Treat for Vacation End

Plan an outing or treat for the last holiday like their favorite cake or a trip to an amusement park. This can act like a reward for their good behavior throughout the vacation and might encourage your kids to behave well. It may make the holidays more bearable but don’t be too sure, Ha Ha!

Welcome, the vacation with open arms and a song at your lips! This is an opportunity for you to develop stronger bonds with the little angels and live every moment of it. Don’t stress too much and let yourself go with the flow to make the most of this time!

Decoding Playful Parenting Through Winter Break was last modified: December 14th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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