Winter Care of Infants - 7 Tips


Winters are up and about, forcing us to step up our measures to keep safe from cold. It’s the time of dry hands, dull skin, cough, cold, ugh and so on. We don’t want any of it, do we? No, we don’t, not for us as well as our kids. Its a tougher time for the little ones as their immunity is weak and activity level high. Though older kids are verbal about their discomfort and thus ease our process of finding out what is wrong with them, its not the same for infants. The tiny tots only have crying as a means of communication and you wont want to see that so we have better prevent discomforts. Your fairy godmother has wrapped up some winter care tips that we are unwrapping here, do have a look!

Warm Clothing


Clothes play an important role in a baby’s safety. Dress your little infant in weather appropriate clothes to reduce chances of discomfort. Use warm clothes when winters knock and increase the layering as the temperature goes down. But make sure the layers are all of soft and warm fabric so that the baby’s skin is not harmed! Also you can’t afford to skip socks and mittens, they are very important.

Lukewarm Water Bath


Winters cause skin dryness and itchiness and baby’s skin is more sensitive to it. Therefore it needs extra protection. Bathing causes dryness and thus it is recommended to limit bath time for infants to only 10 minutes. Also the temperature of the water makes a lot of difference. Cold water causes shivering in babies and excessive hot water leads to rashes. So it is best to use lukewarm water for bathing your little angel!

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Since winters are all for dry skin, moisturizing is an integral part of the season. Little babies are more prone to dry skin hence it is important that post bath, moisturizer is applied on their skin. A point to be kept in mind while doing this is to not rub the skin dry rather pat towel softly and then apply the lotion. Always use products that are safe for the baby, use lotions that are suitable for your baby’s skin!

No Heavy Blankets


Many a times we see that little infants are wrapped in a thick heavy blanket to protect from cold in the absence of many clothing layers. But a blanket can not be used as a substitute of warm clothes. The problem with covering a baby with a heavy blanket is that in case the baby wriggles and the blanket covers his face, due to lack of oxygen he may die. You need to be very careful with what you leave the baby with to ensure his safety!

Room Temperature

room temperature

As the temperature lowers down, it becomes important to maintain it indoors. Little babies cannot survive extreme cold weather, thus it is important to set the room temperature as per the baby’s need. Also at night it might get extra chilly, thus parents need to ensure that all the doors and windows are closed properly to avoid cold winds inside. A proper room temperature also helps the baby to sleep peacefully!

Also read : How to Care for a Newborn Baby



Another important practice that has been there for ages to keep the babies warm during winter months is massaging. Using coconut oil or almond oil to massage the baby is a great choice as it will provide the little one with the much needed warmth. This practice helps the baby bear the chilling winters without falling ill frequently. It is best to use lukewarm oil for this purpose for extra comfort of the baby!

Use Limited Products


The little ones are very sensitive and may show negative reaction to fancy skin products. Using a lot of soap, shampoo and lotions may leave their skin dry and itchy and add to their discomfort. It is better to stick to mild soaps and shampoos that your baby is not sensitive to instead of running to varied products. Check your baby’s sensitivity to such products and then use them as and when required!

Winters will be fun now with these tips to take care of the itchy skin of your baby. Keeping in mind these things while protecting your infant from the cold will get you his best smile ever!

Winter Care of Infants - 7 Tips was last modified: November 23rd, 2016 by Baby Couture India