A Guide For Moms To Manage Diaper Change Resistance

Changing the diaper of an otherwise happy baby can bring about never ending crying marathon. Many parents have a tough time changing diapers of babies and toddlers. Kids of this age group are fast acquiring new skills, rolling over, grasping and exploring everything around that they feel disturbed when you pick them up for a diaper change. Also little kids may feel disrespected when we invade their privacy, disrobe them when they are busy with something. Kids understand more of your talk and actions than you think! So when you push them around and change their diapers all of a sudden, they are resistant and will cry and not cooperate with you. Here is a list of things that you can do to make this diaper changing a playful experience for him!

Connect With Him

Kids are more likely to cooperate with the tasks when they feel better connected. So before you scoop him up to finish the ‘business’, try and connect with him. Get to his level and tell him what is going to happen. Believe us, he is understanding a lot of it! Tell him that you feel his diaper is wet, ask him if he feels the same, this will help later when you potty train him. When you connect with him this way, he feels that you are not an intruder, rather are on his side.

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Give Him Choice

Rather than just forcing his diaper off when you feel the need is, give him a choice. Tell him that he needs a diaper change and ask if he is ready for it. Give him a choice, whether he wants to do it immediately or after 2 minutes. Though you haven't given him much choice, but you kid feels empowered. If he says he needs 2- minutes, set an alarm for it. When the alarm goes off tell him it’s time, he will be more open to it!

Don’t Interrupt His Play

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Here you need to learn that playing is your kid’s job and he will obviously feel irritated when you interrupt it. Try and change his diaper without causing much disturbance in his play. You can get his favorite toy to him while you change his diaper on the table. Or if possible, change his diaper while he is standing with the support of couch. This may seem tough in the beginning but with practice you can get the knack of it. Since your kid sees that you don’t disturb him often, he may be willing to leave his play for more messier diaper changes!

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Ask For His Help

Though he is small kid and may not be much of use in this process, you can still involve him. In fact involving him is a great way to tackle his resistance. While you are changing his diaper, ask him if he wants to hold the wipes and give it you when you ask for it. Or maybe he would want to remove the diaper himself. You may even ask him lift his bottom up while you slide the fresh diaper below him. These things will give him the feeling of empowerment and he might just look forward to it. After all they love to learn new skills and practice them!

Make Him Excited

Create an atmosphere for your little one to be actually excited bout a diaper change. You can keep a basket of small toys wrapped in paper for him to choose from for every diaper change. He will love the opportunity to add a new toy to his collection and will look forward to this process!you don’t have to be worried about so many toys to give him for every diaper change. Get him small things like a block with a alphabet on it, puppet, toy mirror, clay and even re-wrap his old toys. Kids forget about their old possessions easily, use it to your advantage!

Diaper changing might not be so tough now after you apply these tips. But remember no one trick will always work or some tips might not work for your kid at all. Hit and trial is the key, you will with experience understand your kid better and know what will work for him!

A Guide For Moms To Manage Diaper Change Resistance was last modified: January 21st, 2017 by Baby Couture India
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