How To Relax When Your Three Year Old Is Hard to Handle

Ever heard of term threenager? For those of you who are yet to come across it, it is a cute term given to 3 year old kids because they feel they are gown up, a trait of teenagers! Their little actions that show their need to be independent may look cute and adorable to others but only parents know that together with this the kids have other teenage traits like moodiness, picky eating, unpleasantness! From a cute and little naughty 2 year old kid to a mini monster at 3, the transition is far too tough to manage without some thorough relaxation! So ladies, here we have some tips for you to relax and take it easy as your threenager begins to give you a never ending headache!

Out Of The House

When it becomes too much to bear, exit the chaotic household. Just take a walk around the park, jog or run and let thoughts ease out. If situation is not that bad, you can even take along the little devil for a quick walk and let the breeze sink in! The fresh environment will energize you to get back to the good old life!

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Secret Snacking

Stock up on snacks, not for the kids but for yourself! Cookies and chocolates are a great way to deal with stress so fill your secret closet drawers with them. Delve into their taste when your kid is not looking, we bet you will feel relaxed. Cope up with the stress of parenthood in the tastiest way!

Watch Television

When you are having a bad day with your kid, just forget everything and sit in front of the idiot box. Watch a show or movie that you wanted to watch for a long time but didn't get the time. Now is the best time to do it, binge watch that series and rejuvenate yourself!

Make Some Noise

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The kid is creating ruckus and you have no idea how to deal with it? You don’t always have to! Just put on your favorite music at a blaring sound and go with the beat. As it is your house is noisy and a little more of it will not do much damage!

Be Silly

Remember the times when you used to have a good laugh by being silly and forgot about your problems? See it worked then, so why won’t it now? Make goofy expressions at your kid when he gets fussy about anything. You both will laugh it off and get back to the task at hand!

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Shake It

You need a break, you really need a break but getting out is not an option. Just put on the music and shake your leg. Tag your kid along into this mini on the spot dance party and leave your worries to the music to handle. When your senses are busy elsewhere you are less likely to stress!


There are times when nothing can work and you just need to be alone. Take moment out and be all by yourself for a few minutes. Though locking the kids or yourself up sounds too insane to actually follow, but it might help! Don’t put your kids in the bathroom in dark, that’s mean. When you think it’s getting out of hands just retrieve to the washroom and take a moment all by yourself, calm down and be ready to face the challenges all over again!

The kid will grow up soon and then you will wish this time to come back. So enjoy it the most and keep these issues in the back seat. These little ways might bring back your sanity and give you the strength to deal with the kiddie tantrums. Relax for a bit and gear up for the challenges and treats of being a parent!

How To Relax When Your Three Year Old Is Hard to Handle was last modified: March 24th, 2017 by Baby Couture India
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