Smart Phones For Preteens - Is It Acceptable?

Why are kids roaming on the streets with their eyes glued to a smart phone? Why do they even have one? Their parents need to contact them, be in touch with them for their safety. You gonna answer that, right? But can’t this ‘contacting’ motive be fulfilled through a normal without internet phone? Of course it can but then they aren't so cool to carry and your kid is pressing you to get them the latest hi-tech piece!

But think just once, “Is your kid old enough to be around internet throughout the day?”. We know the average age of kids to have their first smart phone is 10 but you don’t have to copy any of that. You survived your teen years without smart phone and there is no reason your child can’t! So if you are in the market for a phone for your child, read this out to know the reasons why you shouldn't get it, before you do!


No smart phone comes as cheap as a toy phone! No matter how responsible your child is, he is still a child. And as you know kids keep losing one thing or the other. They tend to forget where they left it, will feel bad about it but then its gone! Does it seem okay that your kid loses an expensive item as this when you know how much effort goes in to earn that sum of money? We guess not. Wait till your child is old enough to be fully prepared to handle a gadget and be answerable for it! Till then you can contact your child on a simple flip phone without internet, its for their own good (and yours)!

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As an adult don’t you find it hard to manage the limited time when you have the access of internet at your disposal? The social media platforms you indulge in to fill in time gaps between various tasks tempt you to overuse them. You gradually extend their time and end up ignoring important things you should have done. Now think, if as a responsible adult you tend to drift away from your duties, kids might also do the same. Then you can see the result in their grades which might be dropping to new depths!


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Your child doesn't do it, yes maybe. But that argument might not hold true when he has access to 24*7 internet! Kids are doing it everywhere and there is no reason why your child is ‘away’ from it. Though they may do it through phone calls or text messages but those are still easier for parents to track. But when the world of social media creeps in, you won’t know where your kid is heading to. So try to avoid buying phone for your kid for as long as possible. But in case you can’t push it further, a no internet phone is your best bet!

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Yes, such thing happens and it happens a lot! Kids these days are involved in it in some way or the other. Whether it is as a bully or as a victim or just a spectator, they are into it. Social media is like a channel through which teens are being bullied and that’s not what you’d want for your child, right? You can’t control the whole menace but if you can keep bullies away from your child by not allowing internet access, its totally worth the fight! If at some point you have to give in to your child’s demands, at the very minimum warm them against fake accounts and tell them to report to you if any threatening messages come their way. Its better to be safe than sorry!


Did you just say your kid would never get involved with that? We want to believe you but you have no idea what a platter of pornographic stuff is laid on the internet that your kids have easy access to! We are not saying your child would search for such sites but that does not mean he won’t come across any of it. Just imagine your kid is in a bookshop where there are plenty of academic books for him to choose from. But then there are pornographic magazines spilled all over the floor. You are sure your kid is not going to pick them up but they saw the cover right? Same thing applies to the internet, you smiled? No, then think again before investing in your kid’s phone!

As a parent you might be concerned about your kid’s safety and that’s the prime reason for buying him a phone. But you could do with an inexpensive no internet phone as well. Don’t think about the peer pressure he is facing, don’t give in if you think the points we focused on made any sense. Teach them to stand confident with what they have and its only for their betterment. Don’t feel guilty for tuning down his request of a smart phone. You’ll get him one when he is emotionally and mentally ready to take the responsibility that comes along with it!

Smart Phones For Preteens - Is It Acceptable? was last modified: December 20th, 2016 by Baby Couture India
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