How To Teach Your kids To Clean Their Room

Have you ever found yourself in room that has drowned under heaps of clothes, or looks like a mini zoo with all the stuffed toys having a nap on the bed? If yes, welcome to parenthood! You now know the struggle of getting a kid to clean his own room. Though this struggle might just end with you taking the responsibility of making that dumping ground look like a real room. But you know what, this is not going to help you. Some day you will have to place this burden on your kid and the sooner you do the better it is. The reason being the habits that you develop early in life are most likely to stick to you through adulthood. So its time to get your kid to develop the habit of living an organized life!

Start Early

There is no point in waiting for your kid to turn a teen before you tell him that cleaning your own mess is the rule of the house! You see, the teen years are the toughest to deal with. They will most probably not listen to you so you will by all means have to learn to stay in a messy house or clean it yourself! Develop the habit of cleaning early in your kids, as early as possible. You don’t have to give your 1 year old the responsibility of mopping! What it means is that ask him to put his toys to sleep in their respective places before he listens to his bedtime stories. This will give him the hint that organized life is the norm in the house!

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Take Their Help

You know that one day your kid will grow up and have to manage independently. So don’t let him develop habits now that will hamper his independence later. Starting from when your child is a preschooler you can incorporate him in daily household activities. Kids of this age are already playing with miniature versions of kitchen utensils, vacuum cleaners, etc so they will be more than happy to help you. Let them help you in cleaning their room, from putting toys to sleep to keeping clothes in closet, let them help you as per their age!

Arrange Right Tools

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You want your kid to be independent in cleaning his room but when he is not equipped with the right tools, how can he do it? You need to arrange for certain things in his room that will motivate him for the task. Put up large toy boxes and baskets where he can stock his toys and craft supplies easily. Hooks on the doors and walls can provide him the motivation to hand his jackets, bags and caps instead of leaving them on the couch! Little effort from your side will help your kid in developing habit of staying organized!

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Know Your Child

You need to know that every child is different and you need to have different expectations from every kid. You may need to modify your instructions fort every child depending about his age, ability and personality. Where one kid needs clear instructions and your presence to fold clothes and put them back in the closet the other one might want to do it all by himself. Though the method is different for both, the end result is same, spic and span room!

Good Role Model

Children learn more from what they see than what they hear. They have an inclination towards imitation so provide them with the right role model. You cannot expect them to keep their room tidy when your room depicts the after effects of a tornado! So before you lecture them on the condition of their room, improve yours. You have to be the role model for them so start by keeping your room clean, putting things in place after use. Your kids will see you and learn a very important life lesson that being a grown up means to be responsible about your possessions and have to complete tasks in timely manner!

These little tricks will help you deal with a major parenting concern. So get going now and see how your kids will grow up to be independent and responsible adults!

How To Teach Your kids To Clean Their Room was last modified: April 4th, 2017 by Baby Couture India
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