Interesting Facts About Baby’s Changing Eye Color (2018)

A questions to those who just recently attained parenthood- Did you on the birth of your baby, compare the little soul with you or your partner based on his physical attributes like his eyes, nose or the face cut? The response would for most be in an affirmative. And obviously so, a life born out of you would sure have some resemblance to you and rare would be a couple who wouldn’t try to find those similarities as soon as they have the first glimpse of their baby.

But as a matter of fact, the recent studies depicts that there are almost 15 genetic traits that helps in determining the eye color of a baby.

All of this is explained below, follow us through the post.

How is baby’s eye color determined?

Generally, the eye color of a baby is determined by his parents’ genetics. But then the question arises- why do brown eyed parents have babies with the blue eyes?

The simple answer to this question is that the eye color is a recessive trait.

Experts suggests that the eye color of a baby is determined by at least 15 genes and this depends on so many factors.

Besides, all other factors “melanin/pigmentation” has been always suggested as to be the main eye color decider.

Also, genetic science says that when a woman conceives a baby, the baby inherits one-chromosome from each of his parent. Basically, a chromosome is a component of DNA consisting genes which helps in determining the baby’s looks eventually.

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Experts says that OCA2 and the HERC2 are the two genes which determines the eye color of the zygote. HERC2 genes are responsible for blue eyes and will be held responsible for keeping them blue always.

On the other hand, OCA2 gene is responsible for green or brown eyes. So, in order to be a precedent gene, the other will have to be inactive. So, the probabilities are numerous and the rest of it is a complex genetic science.

Another question arises here, if gene decides the permanent color of a child’s eyes, then why is it that at times children with parents having same eye color grow up to have different color eyes?

For instance- The parents have dark brown eyes but the child has green eyes.

The answer is around you only, you will have to look into your family, there are multiple genes that contribute in this, and somewhere in the genetic make up, the baby must have acquired certain genes from ether of the parents that had green eye gene. So then, chances are that one of the child grand parents have green eyes.

So, are all babies born with blue eyes?

Well, the answer simply is No, because if we generalize the case, we can consider the ‘melanin’ a deciding factor here.

The people of hispanic ethnicity (dark-skinned people), barely are born with blue eyes, Caucasian (light-skinned people) on the other hand, are born with blue or green eyes.

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However, for a newborn baby, it is just too soon to decisively decide whether the baby has taken to the mother more or the father. So, be patient for a few weeks and then let this fun debate resurface. But, to your disappointment we would ask you to refrain making those comparisons based on your baby’s eye color as yet. For it is a fact that your child’s eye color may well not be the same a couple of days or months from now. So. if you think your baby has taken to her mother oceanic blue eyes, it may well turn out that she hasn’t and surprisingly the blue eyed girl will later be pointed out like, “Oh! Hey, these dark brown are an exact copy of her father. Although, exception cases are always there.

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When do babys eye color changes? 

Typically, the most significant change in the eye color is seen in the first 6-8 months. The change does not take place overnight, it is a slow occurrence which may not be noticed day to day. If the baby is already born with brown or black (which actually is a darker shade of brown only), then the color could not see much change as the trend only suggests darkening and never lightening of the eye color. And for those with light eyes, might see a gradual change and acquire their permanent eye color by the time they complete their first year in the world.

It has also been seen that the eye color keeps changing the baby turns three!

Because it depends upon the amount melanin change which grows with time.

Also, there is a certainity that the eye color will never change that means the baby’s eye color will remain the same with what he is born with.

How to notice any change in the eye color?

 Well, there isn’t any decisive trick to find out this but one can always look the baby’s from the side if he/she notices any change. This will abolish any reflecting light off of the iris, if you notice any spot of gold in the primary color of you baby’s eyes, say blue then probably the eye-color will change to either brown or green.

If you don’t notice any change, then it is likely that the eye color of your baby will be the premanent forever with which he is born.

Why do babies’ eye colors change?

 As mentioned above, the melanin or the pigmentation in the parents skin or hair decides the eye color of their babies. So, the concept is simple, the darkness of the eye color is decided by the melanin that exists in the eyes of the baby. The more the melanin, the darker the eyes will be.

‘High amount’ of melalnin is responsible for the brown, black and hazel eyes. ‘Medium amount’ will give green eyes and the ‘Least’ is responsible for the blue eyes.

The reason behind the occurance of eye color change is that as the baby grow older, the amount of melanin increases causing the iris to change its color and giving babies the permanent eye color.

Are gray eyes the same as blue in terms of genetics?

Genetic Science suggests that it sounds similar because the science involved between them is quite similar. But no, it is more complex than it sounds. So, what do we know from all the above information that the Melanin or Pigments are responsible for the colors that is why some of the eyes are brown and some are blue or green.

Also, the fact that melanin is dark in color say brown or black is weird in itself. And here comes the complex science that the iris part of the eye has two different layers, one in the front and other in the back. There lies an area called stoma in between these two layers.

The most of the eye color has lots of melanin on the back layer of the iris. But the difference in the eye color is made by the amount of melanin present in the front part. For example, both brown and blue eyes have lots of melanin in the back layer.

Try to understand this fact by this instance- The brown eyes have lot of melanin in the front layer of the iris but the blue eyes don’t.

So, if the genes are not the reason, another logic behind the gray eye is the location and amount of melanin. Scientists claims that dark gray eye color come from the higher amount of melanin present in the front-layer of the iris.

Light gray eyes are the result of the less amount of melanin present in the front layer of the iris even less than the blue eyes

The information in this post is all about the factors and reasons involved in determining the eye color of a baby. We hope you like this post and our attempt of putting out useful facts together in this post.

Interesting Facts About Baby’s Changing Eye Color (2018) was last modified: June 13th, 2018 by Baby Couture India
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Interesting Facts About Baby’s Changing Eye Color (2018)
When it comes to the determination of the baby’s eye color, there are total 15 factors other than the ‘melanin’ which decides the baby’s permanent eye-color. This post is all about those factors and reasons.
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