Guide For Packing Your Toddler’s Bag For Daycare

Sending your little one to daycare may sound like an easy way out to mothers not opting for it. But the ones doing it know how tough it really is. Working mothers have dual responsibilities of looking after the house and kids in addition to doing justice to their office work. If they are not working from home, they have little choice left about their baby’s care during those hours. Since nuclear family trend is on high these days, kids are dropped off at care centers for the day. They have to spend an entire day there so a big bag goes with them full of things that they’ll be needing. Mothers have a hard time packing a bag that will look after their kid’s needs and end up failing at it. To tackle this morning mess, we have brought to you a guide for packing a daycare bag for your toddler. Check it out and give it a try for a smooth morning!

Diapers and Wipes

Most toddlers are in their toilet training process and may or may not wear diapers throughout the day. So it is must that you pack enough diapers for them to last the day. In case they are toilet trained, still pack up diapers for any emergency. Extra underwear becomes a must if your child does not wear diapers. Also a small pack of wipes would go a long way. They come handy during a diaper change or even when your child spills food. These things will ensure your baby remains hygiene!

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Nap Necessities

Depending on your baby’s need and the facilities of the daycare center, you are supposed to send bedding for your baby’s nap. Some centers may require you to send sleeping mat or just covers in addition to blankets. It is better to pack additional blankets so that your baby is not left cold in case he wets his blanket. Also make sure to put pacifiers in the bag if your baby is in the habit of sleeping with it. 3-4 pacifiers will be great because kids might just lose them. It will help him sleep so just a bit of extra effort won’t hurt!

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Extra Outfit

Kids have tendency to spill food over their clothes or paint or just water for that matter. The bottom line is that they will be messing up their clothes. You won’t want your kid to stay in dirty clothes throughout the day due to lack of extra clothes. So make sure you pack at least 3-4 sets of clothes. In case the daycare center has a painting hour in its schedule, it is best to send an outfit for it separately because they will be spilling paints on it. Also keep extra bibs in the bag so that the clothes get less dirty!

Food And Snacks

Different day care centers have different rules about child feeding. They sometimes provide lunch and milk to the kids but if that is not the case you must pack different containers with food. A healthy breakfast and lunch will be packed separately. Many centers encourage finger foods for mid day snacking so that the kids can eat all by themselves. You might also have to pack beverages in sippers as per the schedule there. It is useful to keep sippers or cups at the center with your baby’s name on it so that it becomes easy for the attendants to feed your little one!

Medicines And Lotions

Small kids have very delicate skin which is dried off easily. Therefore it will be great to send a moisturizer to the day care that suits your baby best. Whenever your little one is cleaned, the moisturizer can be applied to protect his skin. Also send along the medicines that you baby needs to have in day. In addition to the regular ones, pack extra medicines like pain relievers, fever reducer, teething ointment, other medicines that soothe his stomach.

With this guide your kid will feel comfortable at the daycare center and you’ll be tension free. A great bargain, so consult with the attendants at the center and get going!

Guide For Packing Your Toddler’s Bag For Daycare was last modified: January 9th, 2017 by Baby Couture India
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