Few Tips to Inculcate Cooking Skills in Your Kid

It is most commonly observed that the kids like to munch upon the food but some kids are born with a penchant for cooking or they inculcate in themselves by the course of time if you continue enjoying cooking with kids. Well, cooking is that form of art which makes everybody happy i.e. the cook and the one who gets to eat the cooked food. Also, it expands the room for the minds that are creative.
So, this post is all about the tips & trick to teach cooking to your and kids.

cooking with kids

Follow us down the post to know it all.

Have Them Ready !

cooking with kids

Before you start making some good food with your kid, have them ready with aprons and ask them to tie their back or wear hair caps if possible. Because from the hygiene point of view, this thing comes first & foremost. Also, teach the importance of personal & surroundings hygiene so that they keep that cleanliness factor in mind already and forever.

Spare a Fair Amount of Time

When it comes to teaching anything to kids, always estimate that it is going to take a little longer than usual. Also, you will have to make sure that the learning interesting else kids tend to get bore or loose interest. So, you need to take it easy and little more engaging. Try to make it fun and you both will have a good time together

Advance Planning

cooking with kids

If you are going to enjoy cooking with kids for the first time then, try to pick a recipe which includes many activities. Advance planning is about planning & getting ready with all the things in advance such as the the dish you are going to make, all the required equipment & ingredients. For example- baking is a good option & fun too. Also, children just love eating cakes.

Must Read: Calcium Rich Foods for your Kids and It’s Role in Maintaining Health and Body

Talk the Recipe Through

cooking with kids

If your kid is a little older then you can surely ask him/her for reading out all the instructions & steps involved in the recipe. This will help them to have an idea what you are going to be cooking. In case you have younger kids with less understanding then simply tell what you are going to cook together or can explain by taking the help of videos or pictures related to the dish.

Anticipate a Lot of Mess !

Despite of keeping the kitchen hygiene in mind, we adults end up making kitchen slightly dirty every time we cook there. So, if you are cooking with kids then be prepared for more of it. But you can be cautious by laying those plastic sheets underneath, aprons, and with kitchen cloth for cleaning hands and correcting few messes. But always keep in mind that cleanliness is not the thing that you are focusing on right now, just the cooking. Prefer cleaning up at the end and ask your kid for a helping hand.

Teaching Tasting Habits

There’s no denying that hygiene is important thing to keep in mind while we cook but so are tasting habits ! We don’t want any germs present in saliva or on their finger to get transferred directly to the food. Also, these are the part of kitchen habits. You can ask them to use stirring spoons for the stirring and spoons to taste and not fingers at not until the dish is ready.

Cooking Should be an Amusement not Burden !

Children do things which intrigue their or is fun. Let them use their ideas/creativity or at least hear them out and give your opinion. This way, it’ll strike their interest and they won’t feel it another burden. So, let them explore and try but just be there for your opinion, guidance, assistance & help.

If you want to enjoy cooking with kids, it is suggested to read this post as it comprises some tips to teach cooking to kids. We hope that you like it.

Few Tips to Inculcate Cooking Skills in Your Kid was last modified: August 28th, 2018 by Baby Couture India
Few Tips to Inculcate Cooking Skills in Your Kid
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Few Tips to Inculcate Cooking Skills in Your Kid
Despite of keeping the kitchen hygiene in mind, we adults end up making kitchen dirty. So, if you want to enjoy cooking with kids here are tips to deal with all of this.
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