• 6 Ways To Stimulate Your Baby's Visual Senses

    A newborn sees and perceives the world a lot different than how we do. It is obviously understandable as they have the first time exposure to the outside environment , as opposed to our years of living in it. However, it is not just because of this reason. A baby’s senses haven’t yet developed to their full capacities and so remains the difference. While, touch and auditory senses are almost fully developed at the time of birth, the baby may not be ready yet to see and focus on the lovely views surrounding him. The visual sense, takes months to develop and mature. So, expecting him to remember and recognize you by your faces is too much to demand. If he still does identify the...

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  • 6 Parenting Skills for the Digital Age

    To keep your kids away from the influence of the digital world, would be like raising them without any light. Today, it is almost impossible to not have your child watch television, keep him from touching your smart-phone, having him live in an oblivion where facebook and twitter are never heard of. And even if you make the impossible possible, to what purpose? To have raised a total loser, who is not in sink with the workings of this world? So, because it is the demand of the times we live in, that children will have to be given the opportunity to engage with these technical know-hows. An exposure to media is inevitable. However, to restrict the over-indulgence parents need to incorporate some basic parenting...

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  • Setting up a Routine For Your Twins

    Arrival of twin babies is double the happiness as well as double the trouble. Managing two newborns at the same time is no easy task for any parent. It requires a lot of patience, organization and skill to carry out this responsibility. The smart thing to in this case is establishing a routine for you as well as your twins, so that you save yourself from the ever changing drills. But how can you do that? With those two tiny little beings, who may not always act alike; while one may wish to sleep, the other may want feed. Is it even possible that they are so well co-ordinated that it actually feels like taking care of one soul in two bodies? Ummm...No, maybe not!...

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  • Teach Kids To Value & Save Money

    Money, may not make the world go, but it definitely is one crucial element that keeps life on track. So among the important life lessons that parents feel the need to teach their children, teaching them the value of money and making them aware of the financial responsibilities that they will have to take on as they grow up, is of utmost importance. It is not an easy task, as finances are complicated always, even for adults. So for kids who’ve never know nothing of where all things they love have come from, it sure will be a challenging task to comprehend the mechanisms of the financial world. But then waiting for them to grow up and then introduce the whole concept, will probably be...

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  • 6 Smart Pant Styles to Ditch the Skirts & Frocks

    What’s making big noise these days in style streets is androgynous fashion, mixing and merging the feminine delicacy with those instrumental masculine style trends to offer women a chance to reflect their strong industrious personalities by the means of what they wear itself. This however, is heavy talk when it comes to kids fashion; nonetheless, pants make for a crucial element of androgynous fashion, are a hot trend in girls fashion too. With a wide variety of styles and cuts, it’s a refreshing choice to make when bored of pouring in the usual skirts and frocks in your little diva’s wardrobe. Here are a few of the unique styles you can opt for your little girl: Cropped Pants A little above the ankle, and sleek...

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  • From A Mother To Her Mother

    Our posts have always been about parenting or those concerning shopping/gifting tips for kids. However, this one’s a little different, for it is time to remind you that while you are all grown and responsible, and a great mother; there’s someone out there for whom you still are and will always remain her little baby yourself So this Mother’s Day, take some time out from your ‘devoted mother’s schedule’ and for a bit focus your attention towards pampering and showering love on the woman who taught you to be a ‘mother’ at the first place. Spend some time in making it special for your mother. Let her know, no matter how you get busy in your own sweet world with your partner and children, she...

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  • 9 Easy Tips To Treat Diaper Rashes

    Those red splotches and scales on baby bottom cause as much grief and pain to the parents as the young souls having to suffer with diaper rashes. And even though, parents will do everything in their capacities to keep these rashes from not occurring, it just gets unavoidable at times. So for moments like those, here are a few easy tips for their treatment: Coconut Oil: Coconut oil massage over the affected area can help heal the diaper rashes by reducing the itchiness and redness. Vaseline: Another easy way to provide relief from diaper rashes is to use petroleum jelly. Locking skin moisture vaseline petroleum jelly is a tried and tested way of treat any rash problem. Trending: Choosing the Right Sleeping Space for Your Baby...

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  • Fathers Don’t Fret: You’ll Fair Well with Your Newborn

    When it comes to parenting, hardly anyone keeps the father at the same pedestal as the mother. While the mother is considered the epitome of selfless love, fathers are are not considered half as emotionally giving as their better halves. It’s quite understandable too, as no one can deny that the 9 months of co-existence does establish a magical bond between a mother and her child, however, one cannot undermine the attachment which starts to bloom much at the same time. I guess, the argument that wins it for a woman is not so much so that she nurtures the child in her womb but because during the first few years after the baby’s birth it is the mother who majorly takes the reigns of parenting in her...

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  • Pick The Most Fun & Funky Clothing for Boys

    It has been this way since ages, and will probably remain so for the times to come. It will always be a cake walk to find unique and adorable clothing options for girls, however a limited range to choose for the boys. There is always so much one can experiment with the dresses for girls but for boys, we always end up buying the usual t-shirts and shirts, right? Wrong! Agreed to the point that the options are limited. However, experiments can be done with those few styles too. It’s okay if dressing up a little girl is fairly an easier task, but probably not the shopping. It may in fact become a challenging task to pick the best, and not go overboard by buying...

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  • 5 Simple Habits To Improve Your Child’s General Knowledge

    All parents try their best to inculcate in their children good habits which may help them to grow up as smart individuals. They wish their kids to shine in every endeavor and always be at the top of their game. So, one of the things which are crucial in this process is to develop, early on in life, an interest in general knowledge, so that your child fairs well in today’s cutting-edge competitive world. General knowledge will help them to relate and understand the varied facets of the world and its working better. The stronger is one’s general awareness and knowledge the easier it gets to relate to other subjects; it also has a link to improved problem solving and open-mindedness. So how does one...

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