Fathers Don’t Fret: You’ll Fair Well with Your Newborn

When it comes to parenting, hardly anyone keeps the father at the same pedestal as the mother. While the mother is considered the epitome of selfless love, fathers are are not considered half as emotionally giving as their better halves. It’s quite understandable too, as no one can deny that the 9 months of co-existence does establish a magical bond between a mother and her child, however, one cannot undermine the attachment which starts to bloom much at the same time.

I guess, the argument that wins it for a woman is not so much so that she nurtures the child in her womb but because during the first few years after the baby’s birth it is the mother who majorly takes the reigns of parenting in her own hand. From feeding the kid to changing his nappies, to giving him bath to the massages, it is considered to be the mother’s duty, for they are born with the natural instinct.

So the share of fathers in parenting remains limited and thus their devotion towards the child is easily given far less weight. Quite fair. However, fathers today are most willingly stepping forward to share the responsibility of child raising. It is only due to the social constructs and notions that we’ve lived with since ages that most of them hesitate and are not too confident as to they really can do it right. So for those progressive dads, here are a few suggestions and tips of baby care:

Holding the baby

father holding a baby

Taking the newborn in your arms might make you nervous at the first time, but it’s okay. Even mothers share the same nervous awkwardness. All you need to take care of is being as gentle as you can and supporting the baby’s head. Getting the head support right, holding her and changing positions will all come easy thereafter.

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Changing Baby’s Diaper

father changing baby diaper

You obviously are ready to share this very important task of child-bearing, right? But not too confident if you’ll be able to. Like we said, don’t fret. Acing diaper change, you first have to make sure of getting the supplies in place. Always make the baby lie down on his back, and then hold his legs high to remove the soiled nappy, then cleaning the area using wipes and tissues. Applying talc and lotion to absorb the wetness and keep his sensitive skin safe from rashes. Slide in a clean diaper. And it is done.

Burping Your newborn

father burping a child

While breast feeding is the mother’s department, you can take over to help the infant burn and digest the feed. Babies swallow in a lot of air while sucking in the milk. It is therefore essential to make them burp so that the air releases. The best way is to have sit up in your laps, facing to one side. Then gently hold his chin between the thumb and forefinger, with the palm resting on his chest giving support. With the other persistently keep patting him gently, to get that burp.

Putting The Baby To Sleep

father putting baby to sleep

Babies sleep a lot, but they are quite stubborn too. They’ll sleep when they want, and may give you a hard time if they are not in a mood to get a nap when you think is the time. Now what to do at those times? No, not asking your wife to take charge. Swaddle your little bundle of jaw in your arms, and when they feel calm and secure slowly put them to bed. Make sure there is no noise that disturb their peace, and their clothes fit snugly. Keep rocking the cradle mildly if that’s where the child rests. If on the bed, make sure the mattress is firm. Another important point, make sure you don’t suffocate the child by putting too many toys or pillows around.

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Soothing Your Crying Newborn


This one thing most parents learn naturally, or do figure it out gradually out of sheer obligation too. Babies cry a lot as that is the only way of communicating for them.So they’ll cry when they are hungry, cry when wet, cry when sick, and mostly cry when wanting attention. So first step to sooth your crying baby is to pick him in your arms and gently pat them at back,or cuddling them a bit; next is to check if they are wet or uncomfortable. If hungry the child will respond positively when you show them their water bottle or will cling to their mothers if on breastfeed. If the crying doesn’t stop, see if the intensity increases when you press the belly slightly. This may be a sign of upset stomach. If not any of these, check temperature. If nothing works, it’s probably time to see a doctor.

So all the fathers out there, remember you can take care of your infant competently. You just need to be ready and confident about it. Raising babies is an ever evolving and a learning process for any parent, be it the father or the mother.

Fathers Don’t Fret: You’ll Fair Well with Your Newborn was last modified: May 14th, 2016 by Baby Couture India