Protecting Kids From Summer Dangers: Heatstroke and Sunburn!

As the days are getting longer the temperature is rising you’ll be more exposed to sun. Sun is not always healthy, it often brings you bad, bad as in sunburn and heatstroke. Adults anyhow deal with it but kids they suffer more. It is thus very necessary to protect your kids from the harmful rays of sun.

Kids are on summer break and they will go out and play. There’s no point asking them to be home. Therefore we are here with some preventive measures you can take to protect your kids from the harsh heat of sun.

Protecting Kids From Summer

Here are some safety tips:

Cover up: the best way to be safe from the sun is to avoid it. Well, it is nearly impossible to be some throughout the summers, so what we can do is cover ourselves when out. Wearing wide brimmed hats and sunglasses would do. Also you can wear breathable cover over the face and wear full sleeves to cover the body. Summer jacket is another great option.

Limit your time in the sun: as earlier discussed, one cannot be home throughout the summers but one can be in sun for a limited period of time. Say like the hottest part of the day is between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm, you can avoid your kids going out in this time. If they insist to go, let them but then ask them to take fewer breaks in between.

Create a sunscreen habit: it is very important in summers to teach kids too be sun screened. It is important to get them into the habit of wearing sunscreen before the go out in sun to play.

Never overlook heat illness prevention

We get to experience both extreme cold and extreme hot here. The warmer months bring certain ill effects with it such as heat stroke, rashes, fainting, cramps, exhaustion etc. So in the warmer days it gets important to protect your kids from sun and the heat. Keeping them hydrated should top the list.

Some extreme heat safety tips:

Here we are with some extreme care tips for your help to keep your kid safe from the sun ill effects:

Be prepared for the heat:

This means a parent should listen to weather forecast, this way they will be well aware of the coming weather and thus will prepare accordingly. They can take measure such as keeping cool drinks in the fridge, or car. Setting up fan if not fixed, or making sure that the AC works properly etc.

Keep paying attention to your kids behaviour:

Keep an eye on your kids, ask them how they are doing. If you keep an eye on them you’ll be aware of the problem, if any. You can this way catch the symptoms early. See if they are dizzy or feeling nauseated. Even if there is some change in behaviour, take them to a doctor.

 Stay and Keep them hydrated:

To take care of your kids first you’ll have to be healthy. So take care of yourself first. This means that before you hydrate them, be sure that you are hydrated enough. Drink plenty of liquid and ask them to drink too. If they say no to simple mineral water, get some taste to it. Eat more veggies and fruits and ask them to eat the same.

So this was the well created list of the measures you can take to protect your kids from illness caused by sun in the summers. Their summer break should be full of enjoyment and fun and not with sickness and medicines.

Protecting Kids From Summer Dangers: Heatstroke and Sunburn! was last modified: June 4th, 2018 by Baby Couture India
Protecting Kids From Summer Dangers: Heatstroke and Sunburn!
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Protecting Kids From Summer Dangers: Heatstroke and Sunburn!
summer brings a lot of illness with it. Say like heatstroke and sunburn. Adults cope with it well but it harms kids a lot. So here we are with some preventive measures to keep your kid safe from the bad sun.
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