The Spirit of Giving This Holiday Season

Christmas Gifts

We hope that your Christmas celebrations were filled with lots of fun and love, that you got time to enjoy with your friends, family and children and most of all, you all got what you wanted from Santa! But the true sense of Christmas is giving to the less fortunate and this is something that we must always remember. Because after all, this is the spirit of being human, giving and helping those that needs it the most.

This post is to help you give back to people in your community this holiday season. Since not everyone is as lucky as you to have presents to open, why don’t you gift them something this year? Here are some ideas of how you can help put a smile on a child’s face this Christmas Season:

Toys and Games: Children love toys and they get to learn many new things by playing with them. As children grow older they generally outgrow the games and toys you bought for them. This season collect all these toys and distribute them among children that you think would enjoy them. If you are not sure or are simply confused, take the toys and give them to an NGO that works closely with children. They will be very happy to help out.

Clothes: Just like toys, children also outgrow their clothes. Children these days are very particular about their clothes and take good care of them. They try to keep their clothes as neat and clean as possible, even they are out plying in the park. It would be such a pity to throw away clothes that are perfectly fine and can be worn again. Why don’t you pack the clothes nicely and take them to a shelter that is close to your home for the children there. The winters can be harsh and the Warm Winter Clothes are always welcome there.

Food: If you don’t have anything like this to give away but would still like to do your bit for the community, you can always donate food for the homeless. Talk to some of your neighbors and organize a collective food drive and then distribute the food among the homeless this winter. They will love and relish the hot home cooked food.

It is always nice to give and especially if it’s for such a good cause. Take out time this holiday to give back to your community.

The Spirit of Giving This Holiday Season was last modified: December 26th, 2014 by Baby Couture India