Tips to Keep it Cool for Kids This Summer

Summers are here and the sun out there is burning. We already are feeling the effects of the temperatures rising, and dreading to step out. Then what about your toddlers who are more sensitive than us? Let us discuss how to beat the heat for them. Listed below are some long term tips to keep your children cool and happy these summers:

Food Tips:

summer foods

Reduce Their Protein Intake.During summers it is wise to reduce the amount of proteins content of food. Proteins require much more water to metabolize than any other nutrient thus leaving you dehydrated easily.

Feed More Fruits. Fresh seasonal fruits like watermelons and mangoes are best mid-time snacks to feed your kids during summers. These fruits with high water content help one feel cool & refreshed.

Encourage Them To Eat Yogurt. Give your child fresh yogurt, in which ever form, he/she may like as it help dispersing of the body heat. Buttermilk, plain yogurt (with added sugar), cucumber/beetroot raita, flavored yogurt are a few of the options your kids may like.

Water Breaks. If at home, remind the kid to drink water from time to time. Help them form a habit of taking water breaks, or any other form of liquid like fresh fruit juice, lemonade etc.

Dressing Tips:

summer umbrellas

Dress Them Right. It's crucial to pay attention towards kids clothing during weather changes. In summers dress your child in cool breathable fabrics like cotton. Strictly avoid synthetic clothing which may become very uncomfortable during summers. It is also advisable to make them wear loose outfits.

Use Umbrellas and Goggles. When going out carry umbrellas and sunglasses to protect your kids from the scorching sun. Please refrain from buying goggles/sunglasses of any cheap brand as they are not just for show but for a real purpose of protecting your child’s eyes from the harmful effects of sun rays.

Use Good Quality Sunscreen. Same goes for sunscreen. Use good quality sunscreen with high SPF for maximum UV protection. However, over use of the sunscreen is also not advisable as children have sensitive skin.

Stepping out Tips:

water park

Keep Them Indoors In Peak Heat Hours. Try avoiding direct sun exposure (i.e. from stepping outdoors) during peak heat hours from 11 a.m. To 3 p.m. Going out in heat will not only cause tanning, but will squeeze out all the energy from the body.

Go On Water Park Outings.

Take your kids out to a water park or any theme park with water games, or enroll them in swimming classes. Time in the pool will help them relax and cool down in the pool. It’s the best way o spending some quality time with your kids during summers.

Help Them Develop Habit of Carrying Water Bottles Bottles. Last but the most important, help them develop this one important habit so that they never get dehydrated in case of no availability of water when outdoors. Carrying a water bottle at first may seem to them irritating but when their throats will run dry, they’ll thank you for it.



Tips to Keep it Cool for Kids This Summer was last modified: April 2nd, 2016 by Baby Couture India