8 Super Mom Hacks You Don’t Want To Miss

Being a mom means, managing your baby, your office, and hopping about the house with bushy untamed eyebrows! Ha Ha, jokes apart, you will agree that it is not easy to be a super mom though you can pull up the false face! You might see yourself tired all the time and in a mess. But one ‘full of love’ look from your baby and you are half sorted. But the other half remains. It is tough to manage everything with the short as hell 24 hours at your disposal. To make the most of this time, you need to manage things in a smarter way. We have brought to you some clever mom hacks that will ease your life a bit!

Drying Rack for Coloring Books

drying racksBeing a mother of a toddler, you would know that the plan of a neat house is a thing of the past. You might be dealing with the issue of tidying up every now and then. But your child can help you with that. Attach drying racks on the walls of the room, where your child can pile up his coloring books when he is done!

Peg Board for Bathroom Storage

pegboardYour kid must be having a peg board as a play toy but the pegs have a tendency to to disappear. So once the board seems waste to your child, you can put it up on the bathroom wall to create place for storage. Hang baskets on it and put the toiletries into it!

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Slip Proof Slippers

puffy paintChildren are often adamant about not wearing shoes, they would stroll around the house in socks, which as a result would tear off. Also there is a fear of slipping in them. You can make their footies anti-slip by applying puffy fabric paint or silicon sealant on the soles!

Pre-Make Ingredients for Meals

prep food ingredientsYour baby’s Sunday nap time is ideal for preparing some purees that you can use over the next few days to create instant meals. Prepare purees of tomato and spinach and freeze them in the ice trays. Use them to give flavor to your soups and pastas!

Container Storage

toy containerToys here, toys there, that’s the room of your little one. But when you have guests arriving at a short notice, you have a hard time to tidy it up! Have a large bin like container that has the capacity to hold anything and everything! You can just push all the scattered toys into it and create an impression of a supermom!

Kiddie Pool

playpenMost of the families with toddlers own a kiddie pool that sees the sunshine in summers. You can extent its usability throughout the year by using it as a playpen if you have the space! You can free yourself some time by putting your baby in the pool with some of his toys so that he remains busy for a while!

Also Read: Expert Sleep Strategies For Babies

DIY Frugal Toys

diyChildren get bored of toys easily, they want new ones every now and then. But you can’t really dream of fulfilling this wish without burning a whole in your pocket! But if you are artistic, you can create inexpensive toys every day to keep your little one busy. Use beads, buttons anything to create these projects and keep them happy!

Washing Toys

wash toysChildren would throw their toys, then pick them and might even want to taste them! The cycle is pretty unhygienic, so make sure you wash their toys at least once a month. You can enclose their toys in a mesh bag and spin them in your washing machine. Saves you a lot of time, that’s already very scarce!

Time is little and there’s a lot going about with your child around. These life hacks for busy moms can really help you manage your time. These simple efforts that might look a lot effort will eventually pay you around a lot, so give them a try!

8 Super Mom Hacks You Don’t Want To Miss was last modified: August 16th, 2016 by Baby Couture India