5 Things You’ll Learn From a Young Single Mom

Barely 18 and married? It was a common norm for girls in India a few years back. You’d come across such young mothers every now and then, a common sight. Then why are we writing a blog on them, whats so special?


This ‘uneducated wife with earning husband to support’ concept worked fine till the day things didn’t go downhill. Just imagine if one fine the husband decides to leave his wife along with the children to start afresh with someone else. The lady is left at the mercy of her parents and siblings. You don’t want to imagine, right? But it gets tougher if it was a love marriage that took place without the parent’s approval. Now she is all alone in this big world with little kids to care for.

We aren't trying to focus on a poor unassisted woman, rather the point of focus here is the silver lining to this cloud of bad circumstance! We salute the spirit of brave women who started a new life with their kids without anybody’s help. Such women often teach us so much about life, you only can imagine. Have a look at some of the life lessons young single moms pass on to their kids!

Work Hard, Stay Fabulous


What would a woman do once she finds herself alone amidst the maddening crowd of the world, ready to pounce at her and the little babies? She has to safeguard the kids, provide for them and stand her ground. The base of which is rooted in education. Many women begin education again, work part-time and nurse their kids as well. So much at hand with nobody to turn to, she is the epitome of sacrifice and power! She turns to their kids with a smile not letting them know the backbreaking work she is enduring. The kids grow up with the same undying spirit!

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Laugh It Off


You’ve heard from working moms how much effort they have to put in every day to manage between home and work. Its not a candy lane but imagine a single mom’s plight and what she puts in to raise fine kids! It is almost impossible to live through such hardships with no shoulder to cry on, if you drown the funny side of yours! We all learn from them the value of a good laugh. Lightening yourself with a hearty laugh session can give you the strength to move mountains for your kids (and keeps you from dropping the same on someone’s head)! Their kids grow up to appreciate laughing sessions in home for a better life!

Get Over It


She got married, maybe her choice or her parents’, it wasn't a good experience. But she got over it and decided to move on in her life, shifting priorities and spreading love! She might not want to marry again, thinking about her kids but she is not against love. What she preaches is that no matter you are left broken, you have to stand back with the same love in you. She has found her love in her little babies but she would certainly support her young kids romance. She isn't so old and somehow when she walks with her now young adult kids, they look like siblings *wink*! She can be a friend with them and discuss their breakups and at the end share with them the mantra ‘go on a night out with your friends and drink it over’!

Also read : 5 Struggles Every Working Mom Will Relate To

Be The Smart Girl


Since she has faced difficulties in standing up again and starting from ground zero, she knows what education can do. She might have had her share of rebellion early in her youth but she would make sure her girls are nowhere near that point. School drop out will certainly not be on her list no matter how short she is on finances! Other things can wait, a new dress, gadgets or boyfriend but not education. “You are a girl, you don’t have to be smart” will never be heard out from her. She would raise smart girls, educated, independent and capable of choosing right from wrong! That’s her tip for the rest of the world who think education is a guy’s domain, it is more important for women because she will educate an entire family!

Unconditional Love


She was young when she had her 1st baby, barely 19. No experience and once she moved out of the marital household she had nobody to guide her. Motherhood didn't come to her with any guides, it was a pure trial case for her. She might have made mistakes due to her lack of knowledge and expertise but she still loves her kids to the moon and back! She embraces her shortcomings and learns from her mistakes. We all can learn from her that perfection doesn't matter so much when it comes to parenting. What matters the most is your unconditional love for your kids!

Young single moms are a symbol of immense strength, love and sacrifice. Their efforts in raising great humans cannot be neglected and we salute their spirit! Learn from their lives, apply these mantras on yours and see how beautiful life is even with its hard rocks!

5 Things You’ll Learn From a Young Single Mom was last modified: December 21st, 2016 by Baby Couture India