7 Questions Parents Must Ask Themselves Before Going To Bed

“Each day of our lives, we make deposits in the memory banks of our children.” - Charles R. Swindoll.

An amazing quote that depicts the importance of each day of parenting in a child’s life! Every day has a mark on the child’s personality and the bond that you share with him. So it is of utmost importance to make every day of parenting a beautiful experience. No matter how conscious you are, you tend to go off track and make mistakes. You are human after all! But cribbing about it or overlooking it is not the solution. The best thing you can do is relive the whole of your day in a few minutes before going to bed. Ask questions and dig the answers within yourself. This little exercise will help you make the next day better with reduced number of mistakes. Don’t think so much, just try asking these questions to yourself and the answer to a great parenting will be found!

Did I spend enough quality time with my children?

quality-timeWe go on exotic vacations once a year to spend quality time with our babies. Is that the answer you’ll be giving? Children need your time on a daily basis, yearly schemes don’t really work for them. You don’t have to spend huge bucks for it, just cuddling your kid, talking to him and showing your love will do the trick. It will strengthen your bond to extends you only imagined!

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Did I help stimulate my child’s independence?

independentAs a parent you might love it when your kid clings to you, he’s cute and it makes you feel great that he loves you. But if your kid stands up to be more independent, it doesn't mean his love for you has reduced! You are the parent and it will give you more satisfaction in watching him learn to be independent. Little acts like helping you with chores, or managing to dress up himself will enrich him with lots of confidence!

Was I a distracted parent?

undivided-attentionThis will never happen to you? Are you very vigilant and attentive? Rate yourself again. Are you glued to your phone when he is telling you about his day? Are you watching TV while playing with him? If the answer is in positive, congrats you are distracted! This little mistake of yours is sending your little one's signals that you are too busy to bother about him. You don’t want him to think that way, do you? Give him your undivided attention and see what rewards to get!

Was I disciplining my child in a constructive way?

discipliningDisciplining is an integral part of parenting. You cannot expect your little one to be born with instincts of what behaviors are acceptable and what not! They will make mistakes, misbehave and call for strict action. But the problem lies in how you react to such situations and discipline him. It is very important to make him learn the right way without hurting his feelings and confidence. Under no circumstance, you should discipline in a way that he feels too guilty and incompetent!

Was I a good role model?

role model

Children learn best from what you set as an example and not by what you preach. It is human nature to be upset sometimes when things are not in our control. This often leads to aggressive responses, losing control over anger and improper language. You know your kids are picking this up? No matter how many times you tell them that abusing is bad, if you are doing it, they will as well! Behave in a way you want your kids to imitate because you are their favorite role model!

How did I show love to my child?

showing-loveSimple acts like patting him on his shoulder when he finishes his homework or shuffling his hair when he runs towards you are delivering your love messages silently! You know what joy you will bring to him by keeping a little sweet note in his lunch box or surprising him with an ice cream treat? Be creative in showing your love to him, he needs it, you need it!

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How will I make tomorrow a better day for both of us?

child-loveYes, you made mistakes today, but that is not the end of your relationship with your child. You have tomorrow, a new day to start a new chapter of life. Once you are clear on what things you did wrong today, it will be easier for you to make plans on what is to be done tomorrow. Avoiding today’s mistakes is a start, add on new ways to make things better and see the difference!

This quiz that you’ll be playing every night before hitting the sack will pay you off with your little angel’s love! Ask these questions, answer them and unlock the road to a smoother relationship with your loving kid!

7 Questions Parents Must Ask Themselves Before Going To Bed was last modified: December 6th, 2016 by Baby Couture India