5 Reasons To Still Be A SAHM After Your Kids Join School


Did you leave your job during your pregnancy with a promise of embracing it again after a few years? If yes and if your kid will step into formal schooling next session, this might be the decision making time for you. Time and again you might be asked, “What will you do now?”, “What will you do with the extra time?” and the like! They begin as innocent queries but the increase in their frequency and intensity make them sound like accusations. Despite that you must make the big decision based on your personal preferences and situations. Mothering is a full time job in itself and in case you feel inclined towards quitting the job idea and being a ‘Stay-At-Home-Mom’, you are still great! For others, we have got you 5 reasons to be a SAHM to a school going child, read on!

Comfortable Income


Its been a few years since your family is living on one income and there is less chance that it can’t go on like that! You might not be too wealthy and the second income sounded nice but you might be able to pull it off with a single paycheck as well. Just a few cuts here and there and you are within your budget. We know that all this won’t be needed if you go back to your job but then you may find more value in not working for a paycheck!

Being Available


Your kid will join school and you might wonder why are you home. That might look like a waste of time but do you know your kid will be at school for only 180-90 days a year! Thanks to the national holidays, summer and winter breaks, sick days and PTM your little one will be home for a good amount of time. Working mothers will have to face the struggle of arranging affordable day care for these days. While the SAHM can easily be available for her baby specially in times of need!

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Lighten Burden


For many families, the mother’s staying at home might be a burden to the father as he will be the sole bread winner. But a SAHM can lighten her husband’s burden in her own way. In the case both are working, husband returns home to more work to help his spouse. But if the wife is not working she can manage the housework herself and lighten the burden on the man. He can come home and relax with the family around. Nice feeling, right?

Better Life

busy mom

Working or no working, there are things that you will have to do for the family. Grocery shopping, laundry, cleaning and the like have to be done either by you alone or shared by your husband. Due to lack of time, these things will be hurried like you might not bother to check price of groceries and end up paying more or have stains on clothes. But if you are not working you have ample time to pay attention to small details. Not only you will end up perfecting your homemaking skills but might also find time to cultivate hobbies and live a happy life!

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Together Time


Life is short and every minute to be with your loved ones that you miss now will be regretted later. When you have a full time job, you are bound to do the chores on evenings or on weekends. This is the time when you can actually be with your family and feel the bliss. Instead you will be mowing the lawn, doing the laundry, shopping for groceries on weekends and cut on the family time. But if you are a SAHM you can spare time to do these chores on weekdays and free yourself for some quality time with your loved ones!

Changed your mind? There is a lot you’ll be doing if you opt for being a SAHM to a school going kid. So the next time someone asks you, “What will you do after your kids join school?”, you have an answer. Tell them, “I am building a better home!” and they will see you with eyes full of respect and not accusations!

5 Reasons To Still Be A SAHM After Your Kids Join School was last modified: December 1st, 2016 by Baby Couture India