6 Things to NEVER Say To Your Child


Every parent loves his child unconditionally, no doubt about that. But unknowingly we do things that can hurt our kids. We say or do things that can have an adverse effect on a child’s mind. Not that we do it purposely but it happens. You might not agree to it now but once you finish reading the blog, you would probably know what all wrong you’ve been saying and what it is leading to. We don’t wish to scare you out but as a parent you won’t want your tiny darlings to grow up thinking you don’t love them! So brace yourself up for a ‘facing the truth’ session with these points!

Don’t Lie

Cute sick girl being looked after

You might say that you don’t do it but remember the time when you told him that the medicine wasn't so bitter. Did you notice his expressions after he swallowed the it? He lost a bit of trust in you, ya just a bit but he lost it. You’ve been doing many small things and with every lie you are forcing your kid to reduce his faith in you. Also it is teaching him that lying is alright, you don’t want him to think that way, do you?

Don’t Always Say ‘Yes’


You love the little angel but materialistic pleasures are not the only way to show it. Rather always giving in to the kid’s demands will make him stubborn and even ungrateful as he will take your efforts for granted. But ‘no’ can also not be a permanent answer. Rather you should make it a point to create balance between the two and fulfill the demands that seem genuine!

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Don’t Label Him


The little kids have a tendency to absorb every word you say about them. Specially if you use a word repeatedly for him, he will grow up to believing that this one word you used describes him best! So think twice before calling your kid ugly, fat, short or skinny. He might end up as an adult with serious body image issues!

Don’t Compare Them


Don’t you feel irritated when your hubby tells you that the lady at his office looks better than you? We all feel that way, then why do you think your kid will like it when you compare him with other kids? Phrases like, “Why can’t you score better than the topper” or “Why can’t you behave like your sister?” have to be avoided as much as possible!

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Don’t Criticize


While thinking about mean things parents say to kids, this will be on your list. As parents you want your kids to do better and achieve all that is to achieve. In your efforts to make sure they do better, you criticize them. Remember the times you bashed him for his uneven lines and bad coloring so that he improves? You lowered his self confidence, not so good!

Don’t Blame

messy room

Parenting is not easy and it gets taxing at times when you get back after a tiring day to a messed up house. We know that a little ‘creative’ brat is responsible for the pitiable condition of your house but blaming him for it is not going to put things right. Its better to handle the situation without accusing your kid, as it is it won’t help you!

There are many more things you should never say to your kids but these 6 points will also help you know where you are going wrong with parenting. Getting involved in the rights and wrongs is OK but more than that give importance to loving your kids with all you have. So be more alert about what comes out of your mouth and enjoy a great relationship with the little ones!

6 Things to NEVER Say To Your Child was last modified: December 15th, 2016 by Baby Couture India