7 Weird Tips To Lull Your Baby To a Deep Slumber

The arrival of a little soul in your life brings about tremendous happiness in the entire family. A mother’s joy knows no bounds when she holds her baby for the first time. She is always on her toes to nurture the baby and often avoids sleep to fulfill this agenda. But a mother is also a human and she needs sleep. But how is she supposed to have a long nightly nap when her baby has a disturbed sleep?


As a mother you can bear with it for some time but waking up groggy eyed every morning does not help you to take up the role of an efficient care giver! The elders in your family might have given you some tips to help your baby sleep better at night but if they are not working for you, we have options. We have compiled a list of tips for new mothers that are weird but totally worth a try!

Warm the Crib

warm crib

Many a times its the crib that causes your baby to cry. It could be due to temperature difference your little one feels between your arms and the crib. Since doctors discourage the use of blankets for an year, swaddling a baby is a great option. You could also place a warm towel on the crib to maintain the temperature. But make sure you remove it before putting your baby in the crib!

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Dust Free Room


Many babies face congestion at night which disturbs their sleep. Little cuties use their pretty noses to breathe and don’t switch to mouth so when they have a blocked nose they get irritable. Keeping the room dust free will help reduce their inflammation and thus help them sleep better. So clean the house regularly and keep your baby away from dust attracting animals as well!

Switch Between Parents


If you have a bedtime routine where the baby is put to bed by the mother only try creating a change here. Mothers spend more time with the little babies and its only fair to let dads take over the bedtime rituals sometimes. The benefit of this slight change is that the kid will not get irritable when put to bed by dad on days his mother is busy with other chores. It also allows a better father child bonding!

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Be Flexible


You tried a trick to put your baby to deep sleep and it worked, great! But the same may not be of much help the next night. Yes, this happens. So you should be more flexible about the bed time routines and tricks. What worked once can be repeated again but other ways have to be incorporated for a better sleep!

Use Varied Ways


Keep switching between your ways of soothing your child. Sometimes rock him in the cradle, at other times swing him in your arms. Use many varied ways and keep switching from one to the other on different nights. This way the baby won;t develop a habit or need for a particular way of soothing. The kid will sleep easily with any of your techniques without crying much!

Change Bedtime


A baby might get irritable when he is not being put to sleep at the appropriate time. Try shifting the bedtime to half an hour earlier or later to test the result. Chances are that your baby will sleep easily when put to bed at a time that suites him best!

Daytime Mellowing


Has it ever happened to you that a bad day was followed by a bad night? Babies can also feel the same. When a baby is not having a good day he often has trouble sleeping at night. So try to comfort your baby as much as you can during the day to ease his nights. You could hug him, swing and rock him, cuddle and soothe him during the day and he will sleep well at night!

The better the baby sleeps at night, the happier he will get up in the morning. So try these tips to put your baby to bed and wake up to a smiling baby who will make your day a great one!

7 Weird Tips To Lull Your Baby To a Deep Slumber was last modified: December 16th, 2016 by Baby Couture India