8 Parenting Grooves To Instill Independence In Kids

“It is easier to build up a child than it is to repair an adult.”

The way we raise our children now will reflect in their personalities later. The seeds of strong, independent and confident personalities are sown in the childhood and nurtured throughout so as to reap the results in adulthood.

freedomIndependence is one thing which when instilled at the right age and through the right way will go a long way in creating confident adults. As parents, the nurturing that we provide and the challenges that we throw at them plays an important role in building their personalities. The right balance of both of these can be achieved through these tricks and tips that we have brought for your convenience!

Praise her


When your child is showing independent behavior, appreciate his efforts. At least when his behavior is positive, you can praise her. Try and praise his positive efforts of independent actions in a crowd. You have no idea what kind of kick he will get out of this. You are sure to see exaggerated efforts from his side after that!

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Allow her To Choose


Little things like allowing her a say in what he wants to wear after school, snacks he want to have in the evening, bed time books he wants to read and the like. These are small instances but have a great impact on your child’s personality development. Though you can decide the options you offer!

Age Apt Chores


Incorporate your child in the daily chores you go about in the house. Let her run errands like putting dishes away, watering plants, mixing ingredients, laying the table and so on. Just keep in mind their age and assign tasks to them accordingly. This will instill in them a sense of independence and usefulness!

Go Easy


You don’t always have to be on high alert! Take it easy. Your baby is just playing with his peers, he is safe. In case a situation (dangerous) arises, you are around to take care of it. Till then let the kids play and, have fun and manage on their own. You are allowing some space to your baby!

Let her Learn

let her learnNo doubt you are more experienced and know the results of your child’s actions better. But there is no urgency to let her grab your knowledge without exploring herself. Let her learn from his own experience even if it leads a few messy situations that could have been avoided with your interference!

Set Goals


An easy way to enhance your child’s growth is by setting goals for her everyday. The number of books he is to read, putting his toys back after playing or not leaving food on his plate. No matter how small the goal is, if he is able to achieve it, he will get a morale boast!

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Encourage Independent Play

Your baby might be playing with you or peers for the maximum time but reduce that to allow independent play time. Set aside some time in their schedule to play on their own. You can provide them choices among toys but allow them to entertain themselves!

Let Them Show Independence


You may save a few minutes by dressing them up, feeding them with your own hands, comb their hair etc. But they need to learn these things, right? Let them do these things on their own, they will take time but eventually learn it and this accomplishment is immense happiness!

Help your child be more independent with these tricks. It may be tough in the beginning but with time it will show its effects. The personality of the growing child will be the reason of your happiness. You will be satisfied with your parenting in the reflection of its results showcased by your child!

8 Parenting Grooves To Instill Independence In Kids was last modified: October 14th, 2016 by Baby Couture India