8 Things Your Baby Knows About You From The Beginning

As a mother, you always know that what your baby wants and at what time. You know what is her needs, you know when she feels hungry, when she wants a nap. You know every move of your baby, every expression of your little soul, but have you ever thought that whether your baby knows about you or not.

mommy and baby love

Have you ever imagined that you give every bit of your strength and love to take care of your baby but have you ever wonder that what your baby knows about you. Well here is some good news for all the mothers, your child knows quite a bit about you. It’s a very general thing that babies knowledge grows up as she grows older, but even when she is in the womb, there is a bit of information that she knows about Mommy.

Lets discuss few things that your baby knows about you. It’s very heartening.

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They know your smell

Do you know that we all have our own different smell? Your baby knows that. They can easily identify your smell and loves it as well. They know that this particular smell is their mother’s and they love to be near you.

They know you won’t leave them hungry

As a mother you must be knowing that child needs frequent feeding and if they don’t get it then they get cranky. But when they get hungry, you are always there to feed them. Therefore, your baby knows that you will never let her go without food. And they get so much possessive that will never allow someone else to feed them.

baby n mom

They know your voice

Your child could hear you even when she is in the womb and when you talk or sing to her when she is in your arms, that is the moment when your baby makes the connection. Your little soul knows your voice so well that after birth she can recognize it once you talk to her.

They can recognize your face

Yes, you baby can see your face. Their eye-sight is short-ranged and is still hazy but when you for instant feed her and bring your face close to her, Bingo!! she knows it’s mommy or some great person who is always near to her and take cares.

know your face

They figure out that you love them and their happiness

When you see your baby playing with toys, grains and try to hold your hand or make funny faces or sounds, you look very happy and surprisingly you baby notice that. Anything which will give pleasure to your baby will make you happy.

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They know you will never leave them alone

Usually around 6 months to 1 year of age , you baby learns this about you. Because you have gone to other room or bathroom doesn’t mean that you are not going to come back and leaving her alone. she trusts you that you will be around her all the time.

mommy and baby

They know you are always there to protect them

Weird noises, unusual darkness or thunderstorm, your baby have no fear as long as you are here. The thought that you are always there to protect her , gives comfort and soothes her all day.

They understand when you are upset

Remember your child is always there with you when you are feeling upset or sad. Even though she cannot understand your problem or cannot talk to you, but she can segregate difference between facial expressions. If she recognizes that you are sad or upset, she will smile and will show affection to make you feel happy.

This is so amazing. Isn’t it? Your little new member knows so much about you and their exploration starts with you. So, create some lovable memories with your baby and cherish them forever. All the best!!

8 Things Your Baby Knows About You From The Beginning was last modified: July 26th, 2016 by Baby Couture India