How Your Newborn Grows: Infant Development

Great prayers are not made, they are born!!

Every parent will agree with this thought. When a baby is born, he/she brings extreme happiness and loads of responsibility. First thing to note is that your baby gets stronger and bigger every week. New parent always wonder what to expect next and how to know that the baby’s growth is perfect.


Parents do get worried and tensed when it comes to baby’s development. We recommend you that instead of focusing on your baby’s development milestone and getting too much tensed, it’s important for you to know that babies develop at their own pace. Normally, what we have noticed that mommy’s get tensed even if her baby’s teeth is taking a long time to grow, there is nothing to worry about, every child takes it’s own time to grow. To get rid of those stress, we have come up with some easy and beneficial tips that you should follow during your infant development.

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First Month

first month with mommyAt this stage your baby’s eyes are on developing stage and he/she would love to focus on faces. Therefore, try to spend more time with your little soul. He/she would be seeing best now when things are only 7 to 13 inches away. So, hold your face close to her and show more affection.

Second Month

second month

Start helping your baby in developing better hand movements by clapping his/her hands together and singing songs. Over time your baby will start replicating your voice and movements. After few time he/she will also start copying your expression which will be a pleasure to watch. Trust us , you are going to enjoy his/her development stage a lot. It will take only next few months when your baby will start mimicking you. So starts enjoying every movement and activity of your baby.

Third Month

third month

It’s time to concentrate on your baby’s hand-eye coordination. At this stage your baby will start playing with her hands and will hit on things. Therefore, encourage his/her activities by holding colorful toys and let him/her grasp. He/she will love to lift his/her head, boost this by playing tummy games. Provide safe mirror to him/her, which will inspire him/her to lift his/her head even more higher to see the face looking back to him/her. Little activities helps a lot in the development.

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Fourth Month

fourth month

Your baby’s motor, social and language skills are blossoming now. He/she is going to show different emotions. Like your baby will feel happy with the appearance of a bright toy and when you take it away he/she will cry angrily. So, it’s the perfect time when you have to handle a loads of expressions of your little baby. Be prepared.

Fifth Month

fifth month

Time to talk more and communicate with your baby, as his/her eyes and ears are started working now. He/she will also babble, so try to repeat words and encourage your baby to imitate you. Point out object and say their names, so that your little soul can repeat it easily. Have fun and make your little one learn some new words.

Sixth Month

sixth month

This is the month of learning to sit up and move around. Be sure that your house is baby proofed, as at this age baby’s put almost everything in their mouth. Help your baby to move around and sit by moving him/her on his/her belly and put his/her favorite toy on the floor. Encourage him/her to reach for it. This way your baby will learn to crawl and sit easily and faster.

Seventh Month

seventh month

The perfect time for and skills development. Try to stimulate his/her motor skills and let your baby pick up or hold the safe objects like plastic spoons or small cup. The best way is to sit with him/her outside and let him/her pick the grass. First time, he/she will be grabbing a handful of grass but afterwards will become more fascinated and will try to pluck up single blades.

Eight Month

eight month

Stimulate baby’s sense of words and space. Try to play some mind games with your baby. Like, ask him/her where is your nose and the point to his/her nose. As you will play the game simultaneously, teaching him/her names of body parts, he/she will learn more words and will boost his/her interest to learn more.

Ninth Month

At this stage, baby become fascinated to hinged objects and love to know how they work. You will be watching many times how he/she will entertain himself/herself with cabinet doors, toys that pop open and many more.He/she will be developing hand-eye coordination by opening and closing a box or door thousand times.

Tenth Month



Play “ Where it go” with your baby, as at this stage baby loves to find hidden things. Help him/her to develop motor skills and teach your baby the concept of object permanence. Things don’t go away when he/she cannot see them. The best way to teach it, is by hiding a colorful object beneath some sand in a sand box or under a scarf. Then put your baby’s hand over the object and let him cover the object. You will notice that he/she will find it without any help.

Eleventh Month

eleventh month

Time to develop your baby’s language skills. Always remember that baby will never lean communication through DVDs or TV, only interaction can make him/her learn language easily. Try to sing songs or communicate with your baby as often as you can.Use dramatic gestures and tones, ask questions and let him/her reply. This is the best way to teach language.

Baby’s development

Babies get mature at their own pace. Some babies talk early , some babies crawl late, but that doesn’t means your baby is going through some severe problem. It’s completely normal but still if you have some doubts and have worries, then ask your pediatrician. We know mommy’s love their babies a lot and don’t want to see them in pain. Getting a proper consultation from Pediatricians will make you relaxed and you can enjoy your baby’s journey. This time will never come back, so make as many memories as you can.

How Your Newborn Grows: Infant Development was last modified: July 20th, 2016 by Baby Couture India