To Moms Raising Boys

The bond between a mother and her son is unquestionably the strongest connection ever. Boys have a special inclination towards their mother and that brings a smile on every mother’s face. But its not only the umbilical cord connection that draws boys to their mothers the most, its the effort she puts to make everyday worth living!

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Not easy it is, boys are not easy to parent (just saying)! Being a mom, you will face challenges when you begin your journey of parenting a boy. But with time, you will get the knack of it. We have brought to you a little guide that might come handy when you begin to feel unsure about your parenting skills!

Less Emotional Complications

Less Emotional Complications

While women (and girls) can experience a wide range of emotions, men and boys have their hands restricted in this area. An 8year old girl can feel jealous, angry, sad, unsure, happy, and 100 more emotions whereas a boy of the same age can barely feel mad, sad and happy. He may just have 3 things on his mind at any given moment, eating, pooping and playing. You need to accept to this simplicity of his emotions and not reflect your complicated ones on him!

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Trust His Body Not Words

Trust His Body Not Words

This mantra applies to the entire male species, from a toddler to an oldie! Instead of asking him how he is doing and whether or not he is fine, just observe his body language. Being a ruckus, shouting at unrealistic pitch is normal whereas a quiet time is not. Behaving like a jumping jack is good, slouched shoulders need your concern!

Cure All - Hug

Cure All - Hug

While this works for both girls and boys, hugging is a must for little machos because they are not very verbal about their feelings. Your little baby girl will easily spill her heart out to you just with a question whereas your boy won’t. When you feel something is amiss, just hug him. Its a sure shot solution to everything!

Clothes Matter

Clothes Matter

Dressing up a little girl is so much fun with the colors, patterns, frills, accessories that you wait for this part of the day. But when it comes to decking up your little boy, just throwing up jeans and tee seems the best thing. But before you do that know that it matters to him which jeans or tee he is wearing. Fashion is not only a girl’s domain, it is as much a boy’s thing. Don’t compromise with your son’s need to be ahead in fashion!

Not Much Crowd

Not Much Crowd

While your girls might be extrovert and love to be the center of attraction in a party, your boys might just be the opposite. Little boys are in most cases not very social and might end up hiding behind your legs. You won’t want your boys to be uncomfortable throughout an event. Respect their choices on privacy and social interactions, they will appreciate it!

Parenting your boys will not be so tough anymore ladies!

To Moms Raising Boys was last modified: March 8th, 2017 by Baby Couture India