Is Your Newborn Smiling To The Sounds?

Ever noticed your newborn moving his head to some certain sounds, or to your favorite music? Well, you must be thinking why to some specific sounds and not all. Here we are for your help and tell you all about what is driving your baby crazy . Well you must have noticed your baby getting excited about the song you use listen and enjoy when he was in your womb, this is because he too was listening to the same song from inside. Yes! They are completely capable of hearing in the womb. Isn’t it interesting, he was listening from your ears, guess this is the reason why you have such a strong bond with him. Talking about the next activity, you would have noticed him kicking often when he was inside. Well this was his reaction to the sounds he liked. Go back and try to recollect if he kicked sometime when you were listening to your favorite song or a day when he heard his daddy calling him. So, here it is like melody sounding like a memory. A simple sound here is giving you so much to recollect right? And this smile on your face, yeah this smile, keep it like this forever mothers, your kids see too and they obviously want to see happy.

Newborns reacting to sound is nothing to worry about. It is as normal as them yawning or breastfeeding. Let us here give you a complete guide to how they react to different sounds after their umbilical cord is cut.

He will react to the sounds he heard when he was in the womb

Researchers have stated that the baby remembers all the sounds he heard when inside the womb. Well, the first sound he gets familiar with is your heart beat and the second is your voice. Rest of the sounds comes later. Sounds like of his daddy, or other relatives, sound of the songs you use to listen to when he was in the womb. You might notice this someday that your baby started crying and then suddenly this song plays and he stops crying. Well, this is the song you both use to enjoy while you were pregnant.

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They easily reacts to high pitched sounds

Ever wondered why mother’s communication is stronger with a baby than his fathers? Let us answer this for you, it is because females have a high pitched voice and baby reacts to a high pitched sound well. Newborns hear fairly well but yes they don’t hear clearly, it is because of the wax present in their middle ear and also because of their not fully developed eye structure.

He already loves mumma papa’s voice

Your baby’s first voice is of yours and since it is the most heard it becomes his favorite. He also gets familiar to his fathers voice and later to all the family members whose voice he heard from inside the womb and he equally react to each voice.

Well, a small advice before we leave, in hospitals these days before giving you a discharge they do screening for the hear loss but still if you find your baby not reacting to the voices in a month you should consult a doctor and get him checked.

Is Your Newborn Smiling To The Sounds? was last modified: August 4th, 2017 by Baby Couture India