6 Sacrifices You Make As A Mom But You Shouldn't

Being a mom is a blessing that comes with its own share of responsibilities. A new life has come in your lap that needs your care and love. Being responsible for one’s own life and another one is a task not so easy. As a mother to fulfill this role to the maximum you tend to make sacrifices. While some of them are necessary, there are things that you shouldn't be sacrificing.


Confused? You are a parent, true but before that you are an individual who needs her own space. Losing yourself in the process of parenting is not a great offer. Till the time you are not happy from within, you will not e able to spread happiness. We have compiled a list of things you’ve been sacrificing for your kids that is not doing you much good. Check them out and incorporate them back into your life, it’ll only increase your satisfaction as a parent!

Free Time


The ultimate truth of parenting is that you will have less of gaps in the day. More time is being devoted to your kid, that’s good but you don't have to completely squeeze out free time from your day. The time you used to spend lazing on the couch is now being utilized to change baby’s diaper. Many such changes have taken place but you can still make some time all for yourself. It will recharge you to be a good mom!

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Date Nights


Remember the times when you used to hit the club with your spouse after work? Gone are those days for you! Your relationship with your beloved is what goes to the backseat when you hold the steering wheel of parenting! That is not a good sign for your marriage. You need to take time out to be the romantic couple that you are. Plan your date nights twice a month. Go for a movie or dinner or just a long drive eating ice cream. Just get set and date!



Right after the coming of a baby, the mother gets so much involved with the kid that she tends to shrink her world to her little one. Her days are planned around the baby, to some extent they need it. But what if you are taking it too far? Your friends have stayed by you through thick and thin, how can you leave them behind? You need time with your friends to revive yourself, they need the same. So plan dates with your friends, an hour at a coffee shop would also do. Just make some time for them, you all need it!

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Now your hobby is to see your baby grow every minute. That’s also good but what about the hobbies you had in the past? Will they be forgotten and gotten over with? You loved gardening so much, create a small garden in your home where your kids would love to play. And the stamps you used to collect? Get them out of that old box, have a look at them and complete your collection. You can even start a new hobby that suits this new mommy role as well. Like that of sewing or baking, you’ll be creating things for your baby. A win win situation!



Where has your love for books gone? Has it just reduced to reading children books to help with their homework? This sacrifice began while you were a ‘mom to be’ when you traded your magazines and novels for parenting guides. Then these also were left at their own fate when your kids grew up. Its time to bring this habit back to life with easy changes like carrying a book while traveling. You can even take out time before bed each night to read new things, it’ll make you feel great!

Peace and Quiet


Silence of the house has gone to the winds from the day you were blessed with a little soul to nurture! Kids while playing can bring the entire house down and its their nature. But as an adult you need some quiet time in the day to keep you going. Create downtime for your kids that will relax your ears. Putting them to a nap in the afternoon or while they are playing a board game, can give you the chance to enjoy a moment or two of silence!

Stop making these sacrifices because they are not complimentary with parenting. You will be enjoying your time as a parent all the more if you decide that you are an individual first who has her own needs. Your kids will also eventually learn to respect your boundaries and will give you this space happily when they know that in return they will receive much love!

6 Sacrifices You Make As A Mom But You Shouldn't was last modified: December 29th, 2016 by Baby Couture India