7 Things Mothers of Newborns Will Relate To

The 9 months of utter bliss brings the mommy close to her baby, creating a bond ever so strong! Apart from the transfer of physical elements, the two share love and affection which nurtures their relationship. During this phase both of them change, in different terms but together they build a new self. A baby grows inside her mother’s warmth and care, while she develops emotionally ready to take up everything on her.


But there are a few changes that come about her after she holds her baby in her arms for the first time. We dedicate this blog to mothers of newborns who have embraced these motherly changes in high spirits! Check them out, relate to them and laugh, its fun to know you are not alone in this!

You Hear Everything!


The slightest of sound of your baby twisting in the crib can be heard by you from across the apartment, You are not alone. All new mothers develop this quality and it carries on for a lifetime. Once a mother, a lady develops supersonic hearing though it might just be restricted to her baby!

You Talk in Whispers!


As a mother to a newborn who sleeps for most of the day, You develop the whispering quality. And it comes quick! You don’t want to take a chance to set a half asleep baby howling. Of course it doesn't restrict to mothers, dads have to learn it as well, you told him to obey, right?

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You Know The Creaky Spots!


Just as we said, you never dare to wake up a sleeping baby by creating unwanted noise, this goes along. You memorize all the floor tiles that creak and make a conscious attempt to avoid those while walking. That’s common with most moms, they don’t wanna mess with a sleepy baby, too much danger!

You Speak in Singsong!


Babies love it when you sing to them and since you cannot find the lyrics and strength to sing to your child often, this is the easy way out. “Don’t you fear, mommy is hear” is heard often in houses with newborns. As a mommy you might have customized such singsongs, they all do it!

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You Time Everything!
“Gimme 10 minutes to shower”, “I’ll be back in 30 minutes” and the like are being said more often now. Things never seemed so urgent but now as a mother you want to time yourself to make your spouse feel you will be soon available to help again. You want to be available for your tiny tot for almost all of the time, all mommy thing!

You Snap At Your Hubby!


With your baby crying, the pressure cooker whistling, spilled water on floor wanting to be cleaned, it is understandable that you lose your cool. New mothers often snap at their better halves but its just momentary and a sweet sorry mends it all up. Chill you are not a bad wife, it happens, its natural!

You Eat Differently!


The romantic dinners with your hubby are a thing of the past. In fact eating together at a table is something you have not experienced in a long time. You now take turns to eat while your spouse looks after the baby. Or sometimes you eat while holding your baby or while breast feeding him. All mothers go through this and you are doing good!

You could totally relate to it, right? These are the natural changes that come about you after you become a mother to a tiny angel. They have made you intelligent, clumsy, pro at multitasking and yes a bit irritable as well. But enjoy this phase, its not gonna come back!

7 Things Mothers of Newborns Will Relate To was last modified: December 13th, 2016 by Baby Couture India